De-late, or De-lett, adj., adv. French, DROITE. Straight; direct; without equivocation. Ex. Klatawa delett, go straight; delett wauwau, tell the truth.
Di-aub, or Yaub, n. French, DIABLE. The devil. Sometimes used combined with the article, as LEJAUB.
D’ly, or De-ly, adj. English, DRY. Chahko dely, to become dry; mamook dely, to dry, v. a.
Doc’-tin, n. English. A doctor.
Dol’-la, or Tah-la, n. English. A dollar; money. Chikamin dolla, silver; pil dolla, gold; dolla siaghost, spectacles.
Eh-kah-nam, n. Chinook, EKANAM. A tale or story. Used only on the Columbia river. Often erroneously pronounced Ay-keh-nam.
Eh-ko-li, n. Chinook, EKOLI. A whale.
Ee’-na, n. Chinook, IINA. A beaver. Eena stick (literally, beaver wood), the willow.
Ee’-na-poo, or In-a-poo, n. Chinook, INAPU. A louse. Sopen inapoo, a flea.
Ek’-keh, n. Chinook, EKKE. A brother-in-law.
E’-la-han, or E-lann, n. Chihalis, YELAAN. Aid; assistance; alms. Mamook elann, to help.
E’-lip, or El’-ip, adv. Chihalis, ILIP. First; before. The superlative. Klatawa elip, go before; elip lolo chuck, in the first place carry water; elip kloshe, best; elip tilikum, n. (literally, the first people), a race of beings who inhabited the world before the Indians.
E-li’-te, n. Chinook, ILAITEKH. A slave.
E-salt’h, or Ye-salt’h, n. Probably Wasco. Indian corn or maize.
Get-up, or Ket-op, v. English. To get up; rise.
Glease, n. English, GREASE, fat, grease, or oil. Hyeu glease, very fat; too-toosh glease, butter. See, also, LAKLES.
Hah-lakl, adj. Chinook, HALAKL. Wide; open. Ex. Mamook hahlakl la pote, open the door; chahko hallakl (as of the woods), to open out; become less dense.
Haht-haht, n. Nisqually, HATHAT. The mallard duck.
Hak-at-shum, n. English. A handkerchief.
Ha’-lo, adj. Quaere u. d. not Chinook. None; absent. Q. Halo salmon mika? have you no fish? A. Halo, none. Q. Kah mika papa? where is your father? A. Halo, he is out. Halo wind, breathless; dead; halo glease, lean; halo ikta, poor; destitute.
Haul, v. English, idem. To haul or pull. Used with the active verb mamook; as, mamook haul.