Acworth. Cong. Ch. ...7.03
Bath. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...12.40
Boscawen. Sarah E. Allen ...1.00
Concord. “Friend.” ...5.00
Derry. First Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. JOHN FOLSOM L.M. ...33.68
Hanover. “Susie’s Birthday Gift,” Aug. 19 ...5.00
Hanover Center. Y.P.S.C.E., by Anna R. Foss,
for Building Douglas Hall, Cappahosic,
Va. ...5.29
Hopkinton. Cong. Ch. ...14.00
Keene. Prim. Dept. Second Cong.
Sab. Sch.,
for Children’s Miss’y,
McIntosh, Ga. ...5.00
Lyme. Cong. Ch. ...38.00
Milford. Mrs. Lovell Harris, deceased ...3,000.00
Nelson. Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Pembroke. First Cong. Ch. ...33.44
Peterboro. Union Evan. Ch. ...16.34
Portsmouth. North Cong. Ch. ...84.48
VERMONT, $252.24.
Barton. Cong. Ch. ...63.51
Charlotte. Cong. Ch. ...17.00
Chester. Mrs. M.S. Piper ...5.00
Derby. Cong. Ch. ...5.00
Dummerston. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...11.00
Essex. A.A. Slater ...1.00
Ludlow. Cong. Ch., 9.60;
Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong. Ch., 5 ...14.60
Norwich. Cong. Ch. ...15.00
Rochester. First Cong. Ch. ...14.46
Roxbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...13.52
Saint Johnsbury. Mrs. E.D. Blodgett, 25;
Mrs. T.M. Howard, 25 ...50.00
Saint Johnsbury. “Friends,” for Central Ch., New Orleans ...8.00
Townshend. Miss Ellen Ballard ...20.00
Vershire. Cong. Ch. ...4.15
West Randolph. “A Friend” ...10.00
Amherst. Cong. Ch. ...20.00
Ashfield. H. Taylor and Family ...6.00
Ashland. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...15.00
Berkley. Cong. Ch. and Soc. ...21.00
Boston. Miss Cornelia Warren ...100.00
Walnut Av. Cong. Ch. ...86.10
Dorchester. Second Ch. ...25.00
------ 211.10
Bradford. First Cong. Ch. ...23.48
Braytonville. “Earnest Workers,”
by Eliza M. Harrison,
for Needy Student Girl, Dorchester
Acad. ...5.00
Brimfield. Mrs. P.C. Browning, 12;
Mrs. J.S. Webber, 2;
Cong. Ch., 13.95 ...27.95
Cohasset. Mrs. R.W. Sankey ...50.00
Curtisville. Cong. Ch. ...28.00
Curtisville. “A Friend,”
by Miss Jennie Curtis, for McIntosh,
Ga. ...5.00
Dalton. Mrs. Louisa F. Crane, 100;
Miss Clara L. Crane, 75,
for Girls’ Ind’l Cottage,
Tougaloo U. ...175.00
Easthampton. First Cong. Ch. ...63.72
Easthampton. Y.P.S.C.E. First Cong. Ch., for Tougaloo U. ...3.00