New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
secundum, prep. w. acc., 141.
securis, decl., 38, 1.
secus, compared, 77, 1.
secus (virile secus), 185, 1; 58.
secutus, ‘following’, 336, 5.
sed, se, 85, 3.
sed-, compounds of, 159, 3, e.
sed, 343, 1, a).
sedile, decl., 39.
sementis, decl., 38, 1. 
Semi-deponent verbs, 114. 
Semivowels, 2, 8.
senex, decl., 42;
——­ compared, 73, 4. 
Sentences, classification, 160, f.;
——­ simple and compound, 164;
——­ sentence-structure, 351;
——­ sentence questions, 162, 2.
sententia, abl. of accordance, 220, 3. 
Separation, dat. of, 188, 2, d);
——­ gen., 212, 3;
——­ abl., 214. 
Sequence of tenses, 267; 268.
sequester, decl., 68, 1.
sequitur ut, 297, 2.
sequor, conj., 113. 
Serving, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II.
servos, decl., 24.
sese, decl., 85. 
Sextilis (= Augustus), 371. 
Sharing, adjs. of, w. gen., 204, 1. 
Short syllables, 5, B, 2;
——­ vowels, 5, A, 2. 
Showing, verbs of, w. two accs., 177.
si, with indir. questions, 300, 3;
——­ in protasis, 301;
——­ omitted, 305.
signifer, decl., 23, 2.
silentio, abl of manner, 220, 2.
silvester, decl., 68, 3.
similis, with dat., 204, 3;
——­ with gen., 204, 3;
——­ comp., 71, 4.
si minus, use, 306, 2. 
Simple sentences, 164.
simul, as prep., w. abl., 144, 2.
simul ac, w. ind., 287, 1; 2.
si non, usage, 306, 1 and 2.
sin, usage, 306, 3.
sin minus, 306, 2, a. 
Singular, second person indefinite, 280, 3; 356, 3; 302, 2.
sino with inf., 331, III.
sitis, decl., 38, 1. 
Smelling, verbs of, constr., 176, 5. 
Soft consonants, 2, 3, b), footnote 5.
-so, verbs in, 155, 2.
socer, decl., 23, 2.
socium, gen, plu., 25, 6, c).
sol, decl., 57, 7.
soleo, semi-dep., 114, 1.
solitus, used as present partic., 336, 5.
solus, 66;
——­ solus est qui with subjv., 283, 2. 
Sonant consonants, 2, 3, b), footnote 5. 
Soracte, decl., 39, 2. 
Sounds, classification, 2.
——­ of the letters, 3. 
Source, abl., 215. 
Space, extent of, 181. 
Sparing, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. 
Specification, abl. of, 226.
spei, quantity, 362, 1, b. 
Spelling, see Orthography. 
Spirants, 2, 7. 
Spondaic verses, 368, 2. 
Spondee, 368, 1.
sponte sua, abl. accordance, 220, 3.
spontis, -e, defective, 57, 2, b. 
Statutes, fut. imperative used in, 281, 1, b. 
Stem, 17, 3.
——­ verb, 97; 117. 
Structure of sentences, see Sentences. 
Style, hints on, 352 f.
su = sv, 3, 3.
sub, prep. with acc. and abl., 143;
——­ compounds of, w. dat., 187, III. 
Subject, 163;
——­ nom., 166;
——­ acc., 184;
——­ subject acc. of inf., 184;
——­ omitted, 314, 5;
——­ clauses as subject, 294; 295, 6;
——­ inf. as subj., 327; 330. 
Subjective gen., 199. 
Subjunctive, tenses in, 95, 3.
——­ in independent sentences, 272;
——­ by attraction, 324;
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.