New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
292, 1, d; ——­ ——­ neque, 282, 1, e; ——­ rel. clauses of purpose, 282, 2; ——­ ——­ w. dignus, indignus, idoneus, 282, 3; ——­ independent of principal verb, 282, 4; ——­ inf., denoting purpose, 326, N.; ——­ fut. partic., denoting purpose, 337, 4; ——­ gerund, w. ad, 338, 3; ——­ gerundive, 339, 2; ——­ supine, 340.


qu, pron., 3, 3;
——­ both letters consonants, 74, a.
quaero, w. indir. questions, 300, 1, b), N.
quaeso, 137, 2. 
Quality, gen., 203;
——­ abl., 224.
quam, in comparisons, 217, 2;
——­ with superl., 240, 3;
——­ ante ... quam, post ... quam, prius ... quam, see antequam,
postquam, priusquam; quam qui, 283, 2, a.
quam si, 307, 1.
quam ut, with subjv., 284, 4.
quamquam, with ind., 309, 2;
——­ with subjv., 309, 6;
——­ = ‘and yet,’ 309, 5.
quamvis, with subjv., 309, 1; 6;
——­ denoting a fact, 309, 6.
quando, 286, 3, b.
quanti, as gen. of price, 203, 4;
——­ of value, 203, 3. 
Quantity, 5.
——­ of syllables, 5, B; 363 f.
——­ of vowels, 5, A; 362;
——­ ——­ in Greek words, 365.
quasi, 307, 1.
quatio, conj., 109, 2, a).
-que, accent of word preceding, 6, 3; 6, 5; 341, 1, b); 2, a); 4, c).
queo, 137, 1. 
Questions, word, sentence, 162 f.;
——­ rhetorical, 162, 3;
——­ double (alternative), 162, 4;
——­ indirect, 300;
——­ questions in indir. disc., 315.
qui, rel., 89;
——­ interr., 90;
——­ indef., 91;
——­ for quis in indir. questions, 90, 2, b;
——­ with ne, si, nisi, num, 91, 5;
——­ in purpose clauses, 282, 2;
——­ abl., 90, 2, a.
quia, in causal clauses, 286, 1.
quicum, 89.
quicumque, decl., 91, 8.
quidam, decl, 91; syntax, 252, 3.
quidem, post-positive, 347, 1.
quilibet, decl., 91,
quin, in result clauses, 284, 3;
——­ in substantive clauses, 295, 3; 298;
——­ = qui non in clauses of characteristic, 283, 4;
——­ with ind., 281, 3;
——­ in indir. disc, 322 and a;
——­ nulla causa est quin, 295, 7.
quinam, 90, 2, d. 
Quintilis (= Julius), 371.
quippe qui, in clauses of characteristic, 283, 3. 
Quirites, decl., 40, 1, d.
quis, indef., 91;
——­ interr., 90; 90, 2, c.; 252, 1;
——­ nescio quis, 253, 6;
——­ with ne, si, nisi, num, 91, 5.
quis est qui, 283, 2.
quis = quibus, 89.
quisnam, inflection, 90, 2, d.
quispiam, inflection, 91.
quisquam, inflection, 91;
——­ usage, 252, 4.
quisque, inflection, 91;
——­ usage, 252, 5.
quisquis, inflection, 91, 8.
quivis, inflection, 91
quo, in purpose clauses, 282, 1, a..
quoad, with ind., 293;
——­ with subjv. 293, III, 2.
quod, in causal clauses, 286, 1;
——­ in substantive clauses, 299; 331, V, a;
——­ ‘as regards the fact,’ 299, 2.
quod audierim, 283, 5;
——­ quod sciam, 283, 5.
quod (si), adverbial acc., 185, 2.
quom, early form of cum, 9, 1.
quo minus, after verbs of hindering, 295, 3.
quoniam, in causal clauses, 286, 1.
quoque, post-positive, 347.
-quus, decl. of nouns in, 24.

Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.