New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
gen., 198, 3; 203, 5.  Predicate nouns, 167; 168; ——­ in acc., 177; ——­ predicate nouns or adjs. attracted to dat., 327, 2, a; ——­ ——­ to nom., 328, 2. ——­ adjectives, 232, 2; 177, 2.  Prepositions, assimilation of, in compounds, 8, 4; 9, 2; ——­ with acc., 141; ——­ with abl., 142; ——­ as adverbs, 144; ——­ inseparable prepositions, 159, 3, N.; ——­ position, 350, 7; ——­ prepositional phrases as attributive modifiers, 353, 5; ——­ anastrophe of, 144, 3; 141, 2; 142, 3; ——­ usage with abl. of sep., 214 f; ——­ with abl. of source, 215.  Present tense, 259; ——­ gnomic, 259, 1; ——­ conative, 259, 2; ——­ historical, 259, 3; ——­ with jam pridem, jam diu, etc., 259, 4; ——­ with dum, ‘while,’ 293, I; ——­ in Repraesentatio, 318; ——­ pres. subjv., in -im, 127, 2; ——­ pres. partic., see Participle. ——­ stem, 97, I; ——­ ——­ formation, 117. ——­ perf., 257, 1 and 2.  Preventing, verbs of, w. subjv. clause, 295, 3.  Price, indefinite, special words in gen. 203, 4; also 225, 1. ——­ abl. of, 225. pridie, with gen., 201, 3, a; ——­ with acc., 144, 2.  Primary tenses, see Principal tenses. primus, ‘first who,’ 241, 2. princeps, decl., 31.  Principal parts, 99; ——­ list, p. 251. ——­ tenses, 258 f. prior, compared, 73, 1. prius, compared, 77, 1. priusquam, with ind., 291; ——­ with subjv., 292; ——­ separated, 292.  Privation, verbs of, w. abl., 214, 1, b and c. pro, prep. w. abl., 142. procul, as prep. w. abl., 144, 2. prohibeo, w. abl., 214, 2; ——­ w. subjv. clause, 295, 3.  Prohibitions, method of expressing, 276.  Prohibitive subjv., 276.  Prolepsis, 374, 5.  Pronominal adjs., 253.  Pronouns, defined, 82; ——­ classes, 83; ——­ personal, 84; ——­ reflexive, 85; ——­ possessive, 86; ——­ demonstrative, 87; ——­ intensive, 88; ——­ relative, 89; ——­ interrogative, 90; ——­ indefinite, 91; ——­ pronominal adjs., 92; ——­ personal, omission of, as subject, 166, 2; ——­ syntax, 242 f.; ——­ ——­ personal, 242 f.; ——­ ——­ possess., 243 f.; ——­ ——­ reflex., 244 f.; ——­ ——­ reciprocal, 245 f.; ——­ ——­ demonstrative, 246 f.; ——­ ——­ relative, 250 f.; ——­ ——­ indef., 252 f.; ——­ position, 350, 5; 355.  Pronunciation, Roman, 3. prope, compared, 77, 1.  Proper names, abbreviated, 373. ——­ nouns, 12, 1. propior, compared, 73, 1; ——­ with acc., 141, 3. proprius, with dat., 204, 2, a; ——­ with gen., 204, 2. propter, prep. w. acc., 141.  Prosody, 360 f. prosper, decl., 65, 1. prosum, conj., 125, N. Protasis, 301; ——­ denoting repeated action, 302, 3; ——­ without si, 305; ——­ of indef. 2d sing., 302, 2; ——­ see Conditions.  Provisos, 310. proxime, -us, comp., 73, 1; 77, 1; ——­ with acc., 141, 3. prudens, decl., 70. -pte, 86, 3. pudet, with gen, 209; ——­ w. inf., 327, 1. puer, decl., 23. pulcher, comp., 71, 3. puppis, decl., 38, 1.  Purpose, dat. of purpose, 191; ——­ with dat. and gerundive, 191, 3; ——­ w. ad and acc., 192, 2; ——­ subjv. of purp., 282, 1; ——­ ——­ w. quo, 282, 1, a; ——­ ——­ w. ut ne, 282, 1, b; ——­ ——­ with non in purpose clause, 282, 1, c; ——­ ——­ neve (neu) in purpose clauses,
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.