New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
2; ——­ perf. prohibitive, 279, a; ——­ perf. potential, 280, 1 and 2; ——­ perf. concessive, 278; ——­ sequence of tenses after perf. inf., 268, 2.  Periodic structure, 351, 5.  Periphrastic conj., 115; 269, 3; ——­ in conditional sentences of the 3d type, 304, 3, b); ——­ in indir. disc., 322; ——­ in passive, 337, 8, b, 1. ——­ fut. inf., 270, 3.  Persons, 95, 4; ——­ 2d sing, of indefinite subject, 356, 3.  Personal pronouns 84; 242; ——­ ——­ as subject, omission of, 166, 2; ——­ ——­ as objective genitives, 242, 2. ——­ endings, 96. persuadeo, with dat., 187, II, a; ——­ with subjv., 295, 1.  Persuading, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II. ph, 2, 3, c; 2, 4; 3, 3. piget, with gen., 209.  Pity, verbs of, w. gen., 209, 1 and 2.  Place to which, 182; ——­ whence, 229; ——­ place where, 228. placitus, force, 114, 2.  Pleasing, verbs of, w. dat., 187, II, a; ——­ w. acc., 187, II, a, N. plebes, heteroclite, 59, 2, d). plebi, gen., 52, 2.  Plenty and Want, verbs of, constr., 212; cf. 218, 8. plenus, w. gen., 218, 8, a.  Pleonasm, 374, 3. pleraque, 6, 5. pluit, 138, I. Pluperfect tense, formation, 100; ——­ syntax, 263; 265; 287, 2; 288, 3; ——­ with imperfect meaning, 133, 2.  Plural, 16; ——­ in 5th decl., 52, 4; ——­ of proper names, 55, 4, a); ——­ of abstract nouns, 5, 4, c); ——­ nouns used in, only, 56; ——­ with change of meaning, 61; ——­ stylistic use, 353, 1, 2.  Pluralia tantum, 56; 81, 4, b). pluris, gen. of value, 203, 3; ——­ of price, 203, 4. plus, decl., 70; 70, 4; ——­ = plus quam, 217, 3. poema, decl., 47, 5.  Polysyndeton, 341, 4, b). por-, inseparable prep., 159, 3, e. porticus, gender, 50. portus, decl., 49, 3. posco, constr., 178, 1, a).  Position of clauses, 351, 3. ——­ of words, 348; 350; 351.  Possessive dat., 190; ——­ gen., 198; ——­ ——­ contrasted with dat. of poss., 359, 1.  Possessive pronouns, 86, 243; ——­ = objective gen., 243, 2; ——­ position of, 243, 1, a.  Possibility, verbs of, put in indic. in cond. sentences, 304, 3, a. possum, 126; ——­ with present infin., ‘I might,’ 271, 1, a; ——­ in cond. sentences, 304, 3, a. post, prep. w. acc., 144, 1; ——­ in expressions of time, 357, 1.  Post-positive words, 343, 1, c). posteaquam, 287; ——­ separated, 287, 3; ——­ with imperf. ind., 287, 4; ——­ w. pluperf. ind., 287, 3; ——­ with subjv., 287, 5. posterus, posterior, comp., 73, 2. postremus, use, 241, 2. postridie, with gen., 201, 3, a. postulo, constr., 178, 1, a.  Potential subjv., 272; 280. potior, with gen., 212, 2; ——­ with abl., 218, 1; ——­ in gerundive constr., 339, 4. ——­ adj., 73, 1. potius, compared, 77, 1. potui, poteram, in apodosis of conditional sent. of 3d type, 304, 3, a); ——­ in indir. disc., 322, c. potui, with pres. inf. = ‘could have,’ 270, 2. potuerim, in dependent apodosis, 322, c. potus, force, 114, 2. prae, prep, w. abl., 142; ——­ verbs compounded with governing dat., 187, III; ——­ short in praeacutus, etc., 362, 2.  Praenomen, 373. praesens, 125. praesum, w. dat., 187, III. pransus, force, 114, 2. preci, -em, -e, 57, 5, a.  Predicate, 163. ——­
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.