New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
p, pron., 3, 3; ——­ by assimilation, 8, 4; ——­ by partial assimilation, 8, 5. paenitet, 138, II; ——­ with gen., 209 palam, as prep. w. abl., 144, 2.  Palatal mutes, 2, 4. paluster, decl., 68, 1.  Parasitic vowels, 7, 3. paratus, with infin., 333.  Pardon, verbs signifying, w. dat., 187, II. pario, 109, 2, a). pars, partes, 61. parte, abl. of place, 228, 1, b. partem, adverbially used, 185, 1.  Participation, adjs. of, w. gen., 204, 1.  Participial stem, 97, III; ——­ formation, 119.  Participles, in -ans and -ens, 70, 3; ——­ gen. plu. of in -um, 70, 7; ——­ pres. act. partic., 97, I, 5; 101; 103; 105; 107; 110; 113; ——­ fut. act. partic., 97, III; ——­ as one of the principal parts of the verb, 99, footnote 28; 100;
    101; 103; 105; 107; 110; 113;
——­ perf. pass. partic., 97, III; 102; 104; 106; 108; 111; 113;; ——­ gerundive, see Gerundive; ——­ fut. act., peculiar formation of, 119, 4; ——­ perf. pass., w. act. or neuter meaning, 114, 2; ——­ of deponents, 112, b; ——­ syntax, 336 ff.  Participles, fut. act., 119, 4; ——­ ——­ denoting purpose, 337, 4. ——­ perf. act., how supplied, 356, 2. ——­ perf. pass. 336, 3; ——­ ——­ as pres., 336, 5. ——­ pres. partic., 336, 2; ——­ ——­ with conative force, 336, 2, a. ——­ perf. pass., with active meaning, 114, 2; ——­ pred. use of partic., 337, 2; ——­ participles equivalent to subordinate clauses, 337, 2; ——­ ——­ to cooerdinate clauses, 337, 5; ——­ w. opus est, 218, 2, c; ——­ with noun, equivalent to abstract noun, 337, 6; ——­ with habeo, 337, 7. ——­ with video, audio, facio, etc., 337, 3.  Particles, 139 f.; 341 f.  Partitive apposition, 169, 5.  Partitive gen., so called, 201.  Parts of speech, 10. parum, comparison, 77, 1. parvi, gen. of value, 203, 3. parvus, comparison, 72.  Passive, verbs in, with middle meaning, 175, 2, d; 256; ——­ verbs governing dat. used in pass. only impersonally, 187, II, b; ——­ constr. of passive verbs of saying, etc., 332 and note; ——­ how supplied when missing, 356, 1. patior, conj., 109, 2, c; 113; ——­ with inf., 331, III.  Patrial adjs., 70, 5, c.  Patronymics, 148, 6. paulum, formation, 77, 3. paulus, spelling, 9, 2. pauper, decl.,, 70, 1. pedester, decl., 68, 1. pejor, quantity of first syllable, 362, 5. pelagus, gender of, 26, 2.  Penalty, abl. of, 208, 2, b. penates, decl., 40, 1, d). penes, prep. w. acc., 141.  Pentameter, dactylic, 369.  Penult, 6, 2. per, prep. w. acc., 141; ——­ with acc. of time and space, 181, 2.  Perceiving, verbs of, w. inf., 331, I. Perfect active ptc., how supplied in Latin, 356, 2.  Perfect pass. partic., force of w. deponent verbs, 112, b; ——­ dat. of agency sometimes used w., 189, 2; ——­ opus, 218, 2, c.  Perfect stem, 97, II; ——­ ——­ formation, 118. ——­ in -avi, -evi, -ivi contracted, 116, 1. ——­ historical perf., 262. ——­ with force of pres. 262; 133, 2; ——­ pres. perf. and hist. perf. distinguished, 237, 1 and 2; ——­ gnomic perf., 262, 1; ——­ perf. subjv. as historical tense, 268, 6 and 7, b; ——­ perf. inf. w. oportuit, 270,
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.