New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
n, pronunciation, 3, 3; ——­ n-stems, 35. n adulterinum, 2, 6. -nam, appended to quis, 90, 2, d.  Names, Roman, 373.  Naming, verbs of, w. two accusatives, 117, 1.  Nasals, 2, 6.  Nasal stems, 35. natu, 57, 1; ——­ maximus natu, minimus natu, 73, 4, footnotes 20, 21; 226, 1.  Natural gender, 14. natus, constr., 215. navis, decl., 41, 4. nd, vowel short before, 5, 2, a. -ne, 6, 3 f; 162, 2, c); 300, 1, b); ——­ -ne ... an, 162, 4; ——­ ——­ in indir. double questions, 300, 4. ne, in prohibitions, 276; ——­ with hortatory subjv., 274; ——­ with concessive, 278; ——­ with optative, 279; ——­ in purpose clauses, 282; ——­ in substantive clauses, 295 f., 296; ——­ in provisos, 310. ne, ‘lest,’ 282, 1; 296, 2. ne non for ut after verbs of fearing, 296, 2, a. ne ... quidem, 347, 1; 2.  Nearness, adjs. of, w. dat., 192, 1. nec, 341, 1, d); ——­ nec usquam, 341, 2, d). necesse est, w. subjv., 295, 8. necne, in double questions, 162, 4. nefas, indeclinable, 58.  Negatives, 347, 2; ——­ two negatives strengthening the negation, 347, 2. nemo, defective, 57, 3; ——­ use, 252, 6. nequam, indeclinable, 70, 6; ——­ compared, 72. neque, 341, 1, d); ——­ neque in purpose clauses, 282, 1, e. nequeo, conj., 137, 1. ne quis, use, 91, 5. nequiter, compared, 77, 1. nescio an, 300, 5. nescio quis, as indef. pron., 253, 6.  Neuter, see Gender. neuter, decl., 66; ——­ use, 92, 1. neve (neu), in purpose clauses, 282, 1, d. nf, quantity of vowel before, 5, 1, a. nihil, indeclinable, 58. nihil est cur, quin, 295, 7. ningit, ‘it snows,’ 138, 1. nisi, 306, 1 and 4. nisi forte, 306, 5. nisi si, 306, 5. nisi vero, 306, 5. nitor, constr., 218, 3. nix, decl., 40, 1, d).  No, in answers, 162, 5, b. -no, class of verbs, 117, 4. noli, with inf., in prohibitions, 276, b. nolim, potential subjv., 280, 2, a. nollem, potential subjv., 280, 4. nolo, 130; ——­ with inf., 331, IV and a; 276, 2, a; ——­ with subjv., 296, 1, a. nomen, decl., 35; ——­ nomen est, constr., 190, 1; ——­ nomen, as part of Roman name, 373.  Nominative, 17; 170; ——­ used for voc., 171, 1; ——­ nom. sing. lacking, 57, 6; ——­ pred. nom., 168.  Nones, 371, 2, b). non, in answers, 162, 5, b); ——­ with poten. subjv., 280; ——­ with deliberative, 277. non dubito quin, with subjv., 298; ——­ non dubito, w. inf., 298, a; b. non modo for non modo non, 343, 2, a. nonne, 162, 2, a); 300, 1, b), N. non quia, with ind., 286, 1, c; ——­ with subjv., 286, 1, b. non quin, with sujbv., 286, 1, b. non quod, with ind., 286, 1, c; ——­ with subjv., 286, 1, b. nos = ego, 242, 3. nostri, as objective gen., 242, 2. nostrum, as gen. of whole, 242, 2; ——­ as possessive gen., 242, 2, a.  Nouns, 12 ff.; 353; ——­ derivation of, 147 f. ——­ in -is not always i-stems, 38, 1. ——­ of agency, force, 353, 4. ——­ used in plu. only, 56. ——­ used in sing. only, 55. ——­ used only in certain cases, 57. ——­ indeclinable, 58. ——­ with change of meaning in plural, 61. ——­ syntax, 166 f. ——­ predicate, agreement of, etc., 167 f. ——­ appositives, agreement of, etc., 169 f. 
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.