New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
m, pron., 3, 3; ——­ changed to n before d, c, 8, 5, c; ——­ m-stem, 35, footnote 13; ——­ m-final in poetry, 366, 10. maereo, w. acc., 175, 2, b. magis, comparison, 77, 1; ——­ comparison with, 74. magni, gen. of value, 203, 3. magnopere, compared, 77, 1. magnus, compared, 72.  Making, verbs of, w. two accusatives, 177. male, comparison, 77, 1. maledicens, comparison, 71, 5, a). malim, potential subjv., 280, 2, a. mallem, potential subjv., 280, 4. malo, 130; ——­ with inf., 331, IV, and a; ——­ with subjv., 296, 1, a. malus, comparison, 72. mane, indeclinable, 58.  Manner, abl. of, 200. mare, decl., 39, 2; ——­ mari, 228, 1, c). mas, decl., 40, 1, d).  Masculine, see Gender.  Masculine caesura, 368, 3, c.  Material, abl. of, 224, 3. materies, materia, 59, 2, a). mature, compared, 77, 1. maturus, compared, 71, 3. maxime, adjs. compared with, 74. maximi, as gen. of value, 203, 3. maxumus, 9, 1.  Means, abl. of, 218; ——­ abl. abs. denoting, 227, 2; ——­ denoted by partic., 337, 2, d. med, for me, 84, 3.  Mediae (consonants), 2, 3, b), footnote 5. medius, ‘middle of’, 241, 1. mei, as objective gen., 242, 2. melior, comparison, 72. melius est = Eng. potential, 271, 1, b). memini, 133; ——­ constr., 206, 1, a; 2, a. memor, decl., 70, 2. -men, -mentum, suffixes, 147, 4. mensis, 38, 2, footnote 14. mentem (in mentem venire), 206, 3. -met, enclitic, 6, 3; 84, 2.  Metrical close of sent., 350, 12. metuo, w. subjv., 296, 2. mi, dat., 84, 1. mi, voc. of meus, 86, 2.  Middle voice, verbs in, 175, 2, d). miles, decl., 33. militiae, locative, 232, 2. mille, milia, decl., 80, 5. minime, comparison, 77, 1; ——­ in answers, 162, 5, b). minimus, comparison, 72. minor, comparison, 72. minoris, gen. of value, 203, 3; ——­ of price, 203, 4. minus, comparison 77, 1; ——­ = minus quam, 217, 3; ——­ quo minus, 295, 3; ——­ si minus, 306, 2 and a. miror, conj., 113. mirus, comparison, 75, 2. miscere, with abl., 222A; ——­ with dat., 358, 3. misereor, with gen., 209, 2. miseresco, with gen., 209, 2. miseret, constr., 209.  Mixed stems, 40. modium, gen. plu., 25, 6, a). modo, in wishes and provisos, 310. moneo, 103; ——­ constr., 178, 1, d). months, gender of names of, 15, 1; ——­ decl. 68, 1; ——­ abl., of month names, 70, 5, a); ——­ names, 371, 1.  Moods, 94, 2. ——­ in independent sentences, 271 f. ——­ in dependent clauses, 282 f.  Mora, 366, 1. morior, conj. 109, 2, c); mos, decl., 36; ——­ mores, 61. mos est, with subjv. clause, 297, 3. muliebre secus, constr., 185, 1.  Multiplication, distributives used to indicate, 81, 4, c. multum, 77, 3; ——­ compared, 77, 1. multus, compared, 72; ——­ with another adj., 241, 3. mus decl., 40, 1, d). mutare, with abl., 222A.  Mutes, 2, 3.  Mute stems, 30.


Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.