New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
Intransitive verbs, with cognate acc., 176, 4; ——­ in passive, 256, 3; 187, II, b; ——­ impersonal intransitives, 138, IV. -inus, suffix, 151, 2; 152, 1; 152, 3. -io, verbs of 3d conj., 109. -ior, ius, comparative ending, 71. ipse, 88; 249; ——­ as indir. reflexive, 249, 3. ipsius and ipsorum, with possessive pronouns, 243, 3. -ir, decl. of nouns in, 23.  Irregular comparison, 72 ff.; ——­ nouns, 42; ——­ verbs, 124 f. is, 87; 247; ——­ as personal pron., 247, 2. -is, as patronymic ending, 148, 6, b); ——­ nouns in -is of 3d decl., 37 f.; ——­ adjs. in -is, 69. -is, acc. plu., 3d decl., 37; 40. ——­ -itis, abl. of patrials in, 70, 5, c). istaec, 87, footnote 24. iste, 87; 246, 4. istic, 6, 4. istuc, 6, 4; 87, footnote 24. ita, in answers, 162, 5. itaque, 344, 1, a). iter, 42, 1. -itia, 149. -ito, frequentatives in, 155, 2, a. -ium, gen. of nouns in, 25, 2; ——­ ending of gen. plu., 3d decl., 37 f.; 39; 40; 147, 3, b); 148, 2. -ius, gen. and voc. sing. of nouns in, 25, 1 and 2; ——­ of adjs., 63, a; 151, 2; 152, 2; 152, 3; ——­ -ius for -ius, 362, 1, a). -ivus, suffix, 151, 2.


j, 1, 2. jacio, conj., 109, 2, a); ——­ compounds of, 9, 3; 362, 5. jam, etc., with present tense, 259, 4; ——­ with imperfect, 260, 4. jecur, decl., 42, 3. joco, abl. of manner, 220, 2. jocus, plu. of, 60, 2.  Joining, verbs of, construction, 358, 3. jubeo, constr., 295, 1, a:  331, II. judicor, w. inf., 332, c. jugerum, 59, 1.  Julian calendar, 371. jungo, w. abl., 222A.  Juppiter, decl., 41. juratus, 114, 2. jure, abl. of manner, 220, 2. jus est, with substantive clause, 297, 3. jussu, 57, 1; ——­ the abl., 219, 2.  Jussive subjv., 275; ——­ equiv. to a protasis, 305, 2. juvat, w. acc., 172, 2, c); ——­ with inf., 327, 1.  Juvenale, abl., 70, 5, b. juvenis, a cons. stem, 38, 2; ——­ comparison, 73, 4. juvo, with acc., 187, II, N. juxta, prep. w. acc., 141.


k, 1, 1. 
Knowing, verbs of, w. inf., 331, I.
Knowledge, adjs. of, w. gen., 204.


l, pron., 3, 3.  Labial mutes, 2, 4. ——­ stems, 31; ——­ ——­ gender of, 43, 3; 46, 1. lacer, decl., 65, 1. lacus, decl., 49, 3. laedo, w. acc., 187, II, N. laetus, w. adverbial force, 239. lapis, decl., 33. largior, 113.  Latin period, 351, 5.  Length of syllables, 5, B. Length of vowels, 5, A. -lentus, suffix, 151, 3. leo, decl., 35.  Liber, decl, 23, 2. liber, adj., decl., 65, 1. libero, constr., 214, 1, N. 1. liberta, libertabus, 21, 2, e). liberum, gen. plu., 25, 6, c). licet, with subjv., 295, 6 and 8; 308, a; ——­ with inf., 327, 1; 330. licet, adversative, 309, 4.  Likeness, adjs. of, w. dat., 192, 1.  Limit of motion, acc. of., 182.  Lingual mutes, 2, 4. linter, decl., 40.  Liquids, 2, 5. ——­ stems, 34. lis, decl., 40, 1, d).  Litotes, 375, 1. littera, litterae, 61.  Locative, 17, 1; ——­ in -ae, 21, 2, c); ——­ in -i, 25, 5; ——­ syntax, 232; ——­ apposition with, 169, 4; ——­ loc. uses of abl., 213; 228 f. loco, locis, the abl., 228, 1, b. locus, plurals of, 60, 2.  Long syllables, 5, B, 1. ——­ vowels, 5, A, 1. longius = longius quam, 271, 3. longum est = Eng. potential, 217, 1, b. lubet, lubido, spelling, 9, 1. ludis, the abl., 230, 1. -lus, -la, -lum, diminutives in, 148, 1. lux, 57, 7.


Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.