New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
259, 3; 268, 3; ——­ historical perfect, 262, B; ——­ historical infinitive, 335. honor, decl., 36.  Hoping, verbs of, w. inf., 331, I. Hortatory subjv., 274. hortus, decl., 23. hoscine, 87, footnote 23 hostis, decl., 38. hujusce, 87, footnote 23 humi, locative, 232, 2. humilis, comp., 71, 4. humus, gender of, 26, 1, b. huncine, 87, footnote 23 Hyperbaton, 350, 11, a.  Hypermeter, 367, 6.  Hysteron proteron, 374, 7.


i, 1, 1; ——­ in diphthongs, 2, 1; ——­ pron., 3, 1; ——­ from e, 7, 1, a; ——­ from a, 7, 1, b; ——­ dropped by syncope, 7, 4; ——­ for u in some words, 9, 1; ——­ changes to e, 39; ——­ dropped, 39; ——­ final i short, 363, 3; ——­ becomes j, 367, 4. i-stems, 37; 39; ——­ not always ending in -is, 38, 3. -i, gen. and voc. of 2d decl. nouns in -ius and -ium in, 25, 1 and 2. ——­ gen. of 4th decl. nouns in -us, 49, 1. ——­ gen. of 5th decl. nouns, 52, 2. i-stem, vis, 41. i, in abl., 3d decl., 38, 1; 39; ——­ in adjs., 67, 3, a; 70, 5; ——­ participles, 70, 3; ——­ patrials, 70, 5, c); ——­ nom. plu., of is, 87; ——­ as characteristic of 4th conj., 98. -ia, 149.  Iambus, 366, 2.  Iambic measures, 370. ——­ trimeter, 370. -ianus, suffix, 152, 1. -ias, suffix, 148, 6, b). -ibam, in imperf., 116, 4, b). -ibo, in future, 116, 4, b).  Ictus, 366, 5. -icus, suffix, 151, 2; 152, 2. id aetatis, 185, 2. id genus, 185, 1. id quod 247, 1, b. id temporis, 185, 2.  Ideal ‘you’; see Indefinite second person. idem, 87; 248. idem ac, 248, 2.  Ides, 371, 2, c). -ides, suffix, 148, 6, a). -ides, suffix, 148, 6, a). -ido, suffix, 147, 3, c). idoneus, not compared, 74, 2; ——­ w. dat., 192, 2.; ——­ w. ad and acc., 192, 2 and N.; ——­ with rel. clause of purpose, 282, 3. -idus, suffix, 150, 3.  Idus, fem. by exception, 50. -ie, in voc. sing. of adjs. in -ius, 63, 1. iens, pres. partic. from eo, 132. -iens, as ending of numeral adverbs, 97 and N. -ier, inf. ending, 116, 4, a. -ies, nouns in, 51. igitur, 344, 1, c). ignis, decl., 38. -ii, in gen, sing. of io-stems, 25, 2. iis, in dat. and abl. plu. of is, 87. -ile, suffix, 148, 3.  Ilion, decl., 27. -ilis, suffix, 151, 2. -ilis, suffix, 150, 4.  Illative conjunctions, 344. ille, 87; ——­ ‘the following,’ 246, 2; ——­ ‘the former,’ 246, 1; ——­ ‘the well-known,’ 246, 3; ——­ position, 350, 5, b. illuc, 87, footnote 25. -illus (a, um), diminutive suffix, 148, 1. -im, in acc., 3d decl., 38, 1. -im, -is in subjv., 116, 4, d. impedimentum, impedimenta, 61.  Imperative, 281; ——­ tenses in, 94, 3; 281, 1; ——­ future indic. with force of, 261, 3. ——­ as protasis of a conditional sent., 305, 2; ——­ ——­ as apodosis, 302, 4. ——­ sent. in indir disc., 316.  Imperfect tense, 260; ——­ conative, 260, 3; ——­ inceptive, 260, 3; ——­ with jam, etc., 260, 4; ——­ epistolary imp., 265.  Imperfect subjv. in conditional sent. referring to the past, 304, 2.  Impersonal verbs, 138; ——­ gen. with, 209; ——­ dat. with, 187, II, b; ——­ in passive, 256, 3; ——­ with substantive clauses developed from volitive, 295, 6; ——­
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.