New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
327, 1. delector, w. abl. of cause, 219.  Deliberative subjv., 277; ——­ in indir. questions, 300, 2; ——­ in indir. disc., 315, 3.  Demanding, verbs of, w. two accs., 178, 1; ——­ w. subst. clause, 295, 1.  Demonstrative pronouns, 87; 246; ——­ of 1st, 2d, and 3d persons, 87; ——­ position of demonstratives, 350, 5, a.  Denominative verbs, 156.  Dental mutes, 2, 4; ——­ stems, 33.  Dependent clauses, 282 ff.  Deponent verbs, 112; ——­ forms with passive meanings, 112, b); ——­ semi-deponents, 114.  Depriving, verbs of, w. abl, 214, 1, b.  Derivatives, 147 f. -des, patronymics in, 148, 6.  Description, imperf. as tense of, 260, 1, a.  Desideratives, 155, 3.  Desire, adjs. of, w. gen., 204, 1; ——­ verbs of, w. subst. clauses, 296, 1. deterior, 73, 1. deus, decl., 25, 4. devertor, 114, 3. dexter, decl, 65, 1. di-, 159, 3, N. Diaeresis, 366, 8; ——­ bucolic d., 368, 3, d).  Diastole, 367, 2. dic, 116, 3. dicitur, dictum est, w. inf., 332, note. dico, accent of compounds of, in imperative, 116, 3. -dicus, comparison of adjs. in, 71, 5.  Dido, decl, 47, 8. dies, decl., 51; ——­ gender, 53.  Difference, abl of degree of, 223. difficile est = Eng. potential, 271, 1, b). difficilis, comp., 71, 4. dignor, with abl., 226, 2. dignus, 226, 2; ——­ in rel. clauses of purpose, 282, 3.  Dimeter, verses, 366, 11.  Diminutives, 148, 1.  Diphthongs, 2, 1; 3, 2; ——­ diphthong stems, 41; ——­ diphthongs shortened, 362, 2. diphthongus, gender of, 26, 1. c).  Dipodies, 366, 11.  Direct reflexives, 244, 1. ——­ object, 172. ——­ quotation, 313. ——­ discourse, 313. ——­ questions, 162. dis-, in compounds, 159, 3, N. Disjunctive conjunctions, 342. dissimilis, comp., 71, 4.  Distributives, 63, 2; 78, 1; 79; 81, 4. diu, compared, 77, 1. dives, decl., 70, 1; ——­ compared, 71, 6. dixti, 116, 4, c. do, conj., 127. doceo, with acc., 178, 1, b); ——­ with inf., 331, VI. domi, locative, 232, 2. domo, 229, 1, b). domos, 182, 1, b. domum, 182, 1, b); ——­ ‘house,’ in acc., 182, N. domus, decl., 49, 4; ——­ gender, 50. donec, with ind., 293; ——­ with subjv., 293, III, 2. dono, constr., 187, 1, a. dos, gender, 44, 3.  Double consonants, 2, 9. ——­ questions, 162, 4; ——­ ——­ indirect, 300, 4.  Doubting, verbs of, w. quin, 298.  Dubitative subjunctive, see Deliberative. dubito, dubium est, non dubito, non dubium est, with quin, 298; ——­ non dubito w. inf., 298, a. duc, 116, 3. duco, accent of compounds of, in imper., 116, 3. duim, duint, 127, 2. -dum, 6, 3. dum, temporal with ind., 293; ——­ with subjv., 293, III, 2; ——­ in wishes and provisos, 310. dummodo, 310. duo, decl, 80, 2.  Duration of time, 181, 2.  Duty, expressed by gerundive, 189, 337, 8; ——­ verbs of duty in conclusion of cond. sentences contrary-to-fact,
    304, 3, a;
——­ subst. clauses dependent on verbs of, 295, 6; ——­ inf. w. verbs of duty, 327, 1; 328, 1; 330; ——­ ‘it is the duty of,’ 198, 3; ——­ ’I perform a duty, 218, 1. duumvir, gen. plu. of, 25, 6, b). dux, decl, 32.


Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.