New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
suffix, 147, 4. -culum, suffix, 147, 4. -culus (a, um), suffix, 148, 1. cum, appended, 142, 4. cum (conj.), ‘when,’ 288-290; ——­ ‘whenever,’ 288, 3. ——­ adversative, 309, 3. ——­ causal, 286, 2. ——­ explicative, 290. ——­ to denote a recurring action, 288, 3; 289, a. ——­ inversum, 288, 2. com ... tum, 290, 2. cum primum, 287, 1. cum, spelling of, 9, 1. cum (prep.), with abl. of manner, 220; ——­ with abl. of accompaniment, 222; ——­ appended to prons., 142, 4. -cundus, suffix, 150, 1. cupio, conj, 109, 2, a); ——­ with subst. clause developed from optative, 296; ——­ w. inf., 331, IV, and a. cur, nulla causa est cur, w. subjv., 295, 7. curo, with gerundive const as obj., 337, 8, b, 2.  Customary action, 259, 1; 260, 2.


D, changed to s, 8, 2; ——­ d final omitted, 8, 3; ——­ assimilated, 8, 4.  Dactyl, 366, 2.  Dactylic hexameter, 368. ——­ pentameter, 369. dapis, defective, 57, 6.  Daring, verbs of, with obj. inf., 328, 1.  Dates 371, 2-5; ——­ as indeclinable nouns, 371, 6; ——­ in leap year, 371, 7.  Dative 17; ——­ irregular, 1st decl., 21, 2, c); ——­ 3d decl., 47, 5; ——­ 4th decl., 49, 2; 3; ——­ 5th decl., 52, 1 and 3; 186 ff. ——­ in the gerundive const., 339, 7. ——­ of agency, 189. ——­ of direction and limit of motion, 193. ——­ of indir. obj., 187. ——­ of advantage or disadvantage, so called, 188, 1. ——­ of local standpoint, 188, 2, a). ——­ of person judging, 188, 2, c). ——­ of possession, 190; 359, 1. ——­ of purpose or tendency, 191; 339, 7. ——­ of reference, 188. ——­ of separation, 188, 2, d). ——­ of the gerund, 338, 2. ——­ with adjs., 192; ——­ with proprius, communis, 204, 2; ——­ with similis, 204, 3. ——­ with compound verbs, 187, III. ——­ with intrans. verbs, 187, II. ——­ with nomen est, 190, 1. ——­ with impersonal pass. verbs, 187, II, b. ——­ with trans. verbs, 187, I. ——­ with verbs of mingling, 358, 3. ——­ ethical dat., 188, 2, b). de, prep. w. abl., 142; ——­ with abl. instead of gen. of whole, 201, 1, a; ——­ with verbs of reminding, 207, a; ——­ compounds of de governing dat., 188, 2, d; ——­ de vi, with verbs of accusing and convicting, 208, 3; ——­ with gerund and gerundive, 338, 4, b. dea, deabus, 21, 2, e). debebam, debui in apodosis, 304, 3, a). debeo, governing obj. inf., 328, 1. debui, with pres inf., 270, 2. decemvir, gen. plu. of, 25, 6, b). decerne, w. subst. clause developed from volitive, 295, 4. decet, w. acc., 175, 2, c).  Declarative sentences, defined, 161, 1; ——­ in indir. disc., 314.  Declension, 11; ——­ heteroclites, 59. ——­ stems and gen. terminations, 18. ——­ 1st decl., 20-22; ——­ 2d decl., 23-27; ——­ 3d decl., 28-47; ——­ 4th decl., 48-50; ——­ 5th decl., 51-53; ——­ of Greek nouns, 22; 27; 47; ——­ of adjs., 62-69; ——­ of prons., 84-90.  Decreeing, verbs of, w. subjv., 295, 4. dedecet, 175, 2, c).  Defective verbs, 133 f.; ——­ nouns, 54 f.; 52, 4; 57; ——­ comparison, 73.  Definite perfect, see Present perfect.  Degree of difference, abl. of, 223.  Degrees of comparison, 71 ff. delectat, w. inf. as subj.,
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.