New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.
C., for G. as abbreviation of Gaius, 373. caedes, decl., 40.  Caesura, 366, 8:  ——­ in dactylic hexameter 368, 3. calcar, decl., 39.  Calendar, 371; 372.  Calends, 371, 2, a). campester, decl., 68, 1 canis, decl., 38, 2. capio, conj., 110 carbasus, gender of, 26, 1 b). carcer, carceres, 61.  Cardinals, defined. 78, 1; ——­ list of, 79; ——­ decl., 80; ——­ with and without et, 81, 1; 3; ——­ expressed by subtraction, 81, 2; ——­ replaced by attributives in poetry, 81, 4, d. care, comparison, 76, 2. caro, decl., 42. carrus, carrum, 60, 1.  Cases, 17; ——­ alike in form, 19; 170 ff.  Case-endings, 17, 3. castrum, castra, 61.  Catalectic verses, 366, 9. causa, with gen., 198, 1; ——­ nulla causa est cur, with subjv., 295, 7.  Causal clauses, 285; 286; ——­ clause of characteristic with accessory notion of cause, 283, 3. ——­ conjunctions, 345.  Cause, abl. of, 219; 227, 2, d) cave, cave ne in prohibitions, 276, b. -ce, 6, 3 f.; 87, footnote 23. cedo, cette, 137, 3. cedo, with dat. 187, II. celeber, decl., 68, 1. celer, decl., 68, 2. celo, constr., 178, 1, e). cenatus, force, 114, 2. cetera, adverbial acc., 185, 2. ceteri, use, 253, 4.  Characterstic, clauses of, 283; ——­ denoting cause or opposition (’although’), 283, 3; ——­ gen. of, 208, 1; ——­ abl., 224.  Charge, gen. of, 208, 1; 2.  Chiasmus, 350, 11, c).  Choosing, const. w. verbs of, 177, 1-3. circa, circiter, circum, preps. w. acc., 141. circum, compounds of, w. dat., 187, III. circumdo, const., 187, 1, a.  Circumstance, abl. of attendant, 221. cis, prep. w. acc., 141. citerior, comparison, 73, 1. cito, 77, 2, a. citra, prep. w. acc., 141. civitas decl., 40, 1, e. clam, with acc., 144, 2.  Clauses, cooerd. and subord., 164, 165.  Clauses of characteristic, 283; ——­ purpose, 282; ——­ result, 284; ——­ causal, 285; ——­ temporal with postquam, ut, ubi, simul ac, etc., 287; ——­ with cum, 288; ——­ substantive clauses, 294 f.; ——­ condition, 301 f.; ——­ conditional comparison, 307; ——­ concessive, 308; ——­ adversative, 309; ——­ wish or proviso, 310; ——­ relative, 311 f.; 283 f. clavis, decl., 38, 1.  Clinging, construction of verbs of, 258, 3. clipeus, clipeum, 60, 1.  Close of sentences, cadences used, 350, 12. coepi, conj., 133; ——­ coeptus est, 133, 1.  Cognate acc., 176, 4. cognomen, 373. cogo, w. acc., 178, 1, d); ——­ w. infin., 331, VI.  Collective nouns, 12, 2, a); ——­ w. plu. verb, 254, 4. colus, gender of, 26, 1, b). com-, compounds of, w. dat., 187, III. comedo, conj., 128, 2. cometes, decl., 22. comitia, as time expression, 230, 1.  Commanding, dat. w. verbs of, 187, II; ——­ subst. clause w. verbs of, 295, 1; ——­ commands expressed by jussive subjv., 275; ——­ ——­ by imperative, 281.  Common gender, 15, B, N. 1. ——­ nouns, 12, 1. ——­ syllables, 5, B, 3. commonefacio, w. gen, and acc., 207. commoneo, w. gen. and acc., 207. communis, w. gen., 204, 2; ——­ with dat., 204, 2, a. commuto, w. abl., 222A.  Comparatives, decl., 69; ——­ w. abl., 217; ——­ w. quam, 217, 2; ——­ occasional meaning, 240.
Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.