New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

New Latin Grammar eBook

Charles Edwin Bennett
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 322 pages of information about New Latin Grammar.

Concessive Clauses.

308.  The term ‘Concessive’ is best restricted to those clauses developed from the Jussive Subjunctive which have the force of granted that, etc.; (see Sec. 278) as,—­

    sit fur, sit sacrilegus, at est bonus imperator, granted that he is a
    thief and a robber, yet he is a good commander

    haec sint falsa, granted that this is false;

    ne sit summum malum dolor, malum certe est, granted that pain is not
    the greatest evil, yet it is certainly an evil

Adversative Clauses with Quamvis, Quamquam, etc.

309.  Clauses introduced by quamvis, quamquam, etsi, tametsi, cum, although, while often classed as ‘Concessive,’ are yet essentially different from genuine Concessive clauses.  As a rule, they do not grant or concede anything, but rather state that something is true in spite of something else.  They accordingly emphasize the adversative idea, and are properly Subordinate Adversative Clauses.  The different particles used to introduce these clauses have different meanings and take different constructions, as follows:—­

1.  Quamvis, however much, although, does not introduce a statement of fact, but represents an act merely as conceived.  It is followed by the Subjunctive, usually of the present tense; as,—­

    homines quamvis in turbidis rebus sint, tamen interdum animis
    relaxantur, in however stirring events men may engage, yet at times
    they relax their energies;

    non est potestas opitulandi rei publicae quamvis ea prematur periculis,
    there is no opportunity to succor the state, though it be beset by

2.  Quamquam, etsi, tametsi, although, introduce a statement of fact, and are followed by the Indicative (of any tense); as,—­

    quamquam omnis virtus nos allicit, tamen justitia id maxime efficit,
    although all virtue attracts us, yet justice does so especially;

    Caesar, etsi nondum consilium hostium cognoverat, tamen id quod accidit
    suspicabatur, Caesar, though he did not yet know the plans of the
    enemy, yet was suspecting what actually occurred

  a.  Etsi, although, must be distinguished from etsi, even if.  The
  latter is a conditional particle and takes any of the constructions
  admissible for si. (See Sec. 302-304.)

3.  Cum, although, is followed by the Subjunctive; as,—­

    Atticus honores non petiit, cum ei paterent, Atticus did not seek
    honors, though they were open to him

4.  Licet sometimes loses its verbal force (see Sec. 295, 6) and sinks to the level of a conjunction with the force of although.  It takes the Subjunctive, Present or Perfect; as,—­

Project Gutenberg
New Latin Grammar from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.