An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 613 pages of information about An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island.

An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 613 pages of information about An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island.

The next morning, we tacked and stood towards the land, with light variable winds.  At noon, the extremes of the land were from north to south 50 deg. west; the nearest land about ten miles distant.  In the afternoon, we saw a large turtle; and at three o’clock, we sounded in 19 fathoms, over a muddy bottom.  At six o’clock, the nearest land bore north by west half west, about three leagues distant.  During the night, we had a light breeze from the westward:  we frequently sounded, and had from 17 to 23 fathoms water.

At noon on the 30th, the nearest land bore north 75 deg. west, eight or nine miles distant.  We stood along shore, with a light breeze at south-south-east; and at sun-set, the land bore from north 32 deg. west to south 50 deg. west.  The next morning, we steered along the island of St. Catherine; and at four o’clock in the afternoon, were abreast of the Fort of Santa Cruz.

I sent an officer on shore to the fort, and soon afterwards we anchored in five fathoms water; the fort of Santa Cruz bearing north-north-west, and the opposite fort north-east.  We saluted the fort with nine guns, which was returned by an equal number.  The next morning, we weighed, and anchored nearer to the watering-place; mooring the ship with a cable each way, (north-east and south-west) in three fathoms and a half, over a muddy bottom.  In this situation, the fort of Santa Cruz bore north-north-east, the opposite fort, south-east; the point to the southward of the watering-place south-west, and the watering-place west, half a mile distant.

We erected a tent on shore for the cooper, who was busily employed in repairing our casks, and the other hands were employed in watering and other necessary duties.

As we had now made 310 deg. 43’ of east longitude, which is equal to 20 h. 42 min. 52 sec. of time, we, of course, dropped one day, and called the 5th of February, Saturday the 4th.  This afternoon I sent two boats on shore for various refreshments, having nearly completed our water.  In the morning of the 5th, the cutter swamped at her moorings aftern; the oars and tiller washed out of her, and were lost.

On the 7th, most of our business being finished, we unmoored; and after standing a little farther out of the harbour, we anchored with the small bower, in five and a quarter fathoms; the Fort of Santa Cruz bearing north-north-west, and the opposite fort, north-east.  We completed our water and every other duty on the 8th, and the next morning weighed and made sail.  At eleven o’clock, we saluted the fort with eleven guns, which was returned by an equal number:  at noon, we were abreast of Santa Cruz Fort.

With a light breeze from the northward, we were employed in turning down the harbour; and at seven o’clock, we came to in five fathoms, over a muddy bottom; the Island Averade bearing north-east half north, and Santa Cruz Fort south-west by west.  Early the next morning, we weighed and stood out of the harbour, and the wind being very light, the jolly-boat was sent a-head to tow the vessel:  in the afternoon, a moderate breeze came on from the eastward.

Project Gutenberg
An Historical Journal of the Transactions at Port Jackson and Norfolk Island from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.