The Beacon Second Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about The Beacon Second Reader.

The Beacon Second Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 80 pages of information about The Beacon Second Reader.
pining lopping cedar common pinning baker tamer moment tuning shady liner silent stunning lady pacer ruby planing tidy giddy bonnet planning pony sudden penny

The following words illustrate silent k, g, w, b, l, t, and gh.

knee     kneel     knelt     knell      knit
knife    knot      knock     knob       knew
knave    knead     know      knack      gnat
gnaw     gnu       gnash     gnarl      gnome
wry      wren      wrist     wrote      write
wrap     wring     wrung     wrong      wrest
wreck    wrath     wretch    wreak      wrench
writhe   wreath    high      sigh       wright
thigh    light     fight     tight      sight
knight   right     fright    plight     night
blight   slight    bright    flight     might
caught   naught    taught    daughter   aught
tightly  brightly  lightly   lightning  naughty
climb    comb      crumb     dumb       lamb
limb     numb      thumb     debt       doubt
combing  calf      half      balm       calm
chalk    stalk     walk      folks      talk
often    soften    castle    jostle     rustle
thistle  whistle   chestnut  fasten     listen
Project Gutenberg
The Beacon Second Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.