The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 638 pages of information about The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood.

The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 638 pages of information about The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood.
In the horrible likeness of demons (that none
Could see, like invisible flames in the sun);
But grew to one monster that seized on the light,
Like the dragon that strangles the moon in the night;
Fierce sphinxes, long serpents, and asps of the south;
Wild birds of huge beak, and all horrors that drouth
Engenders of slime in the land of the pest,
Vile shapes without shape, and foul bats of the West,
Bringing Night on their wings; and the bodies wherein
Great Brahma imprisons the spirits of sin,
Many-handed, that blent in one phantom of fight
Like a Titan, and threatfully warr’d with the light;
I have heard the wild shriek that gave signal to close,
When they rushed on that shadowy Python of foes,
That met with sharp beaks and wide gaping of jaws,
With flappings of wings, and fierce grasping of claws,
And whirls of long tails:—­I have seen the quick flutter
Of fragments dissevered,—­and necks stretch’d to utter
Long screamings of pain,—­the swift motion of blows,
And wrestling of arms—­to the flight at the close,
When the dust of the earth startled upward in rings,
And flew on the whirlwind that follow’d their wings.

Thus they fled—­not forgotten—­but often to grow
Like fears in my eyes, when I walk’d to and fro
In the shadows, and felt from some beings unseen
The warm touch of kisses, but clean or unclean
I knew not, nor whether the love I had won
Was of heaven or hell—­till one day in the sun,
In its very noon-blaze, I could fancy a thing
Of beauty, but faint as the cloud-mirrors fling
On the gaze of the shepherd that watches the sky,
Half-seen and half-dream’d in the soul of his eye. 
And when in my musings I gazed on the stream,
In motionless trances of thought, there would seem
A face like that face, looking upward through mine: 
With his eyes full of love, and the dim-drownd shine
Of limbs and fair garments, like clouds in that blue
Serene:—­there I stood for long hours but to view
Those fond earnest eyes that were ever uplifted
Towards me, and wink’d as the water-weed drifted
Between; but the fish knew that presence, and plied
Their long curvy tails, and swift darted aside.

There I gazed for lost time, and forgot all the things
That once had been wonders—­the fishes with wings,
And the glimmer of magnified eyes that look’d up
From the glooms of the bottom like pearls in a cup,
And the huge endless serpent of silvery gleam,
Slow winding along like a tide in the stream. 
Some maid of the waters, some Naiad, methought
Held me dear in the pearl of her eye—­and I brought
My wish to that fancy; and often I dash’d
My limbs in the water, and suddenly splash’d
The cool drops around me, yet clung to the brink,
Chill’d by watery fears, how that beauty might sink
With my life in her arms to her garden, and bind me
With its long tangled grasses, or cruelly wind me

Project Gutenberg
The Poetical Works of Thomas Hood from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.