It’s a shame, so it is,—men can’t
Let alone
Jobs as is Woman’s right to do—and
go about there Own—
Theirs Reforms enuff Alreddy without your new schools
For washing to sit Up,—and push the Old
Tubs from their stools!
But your just like the Raddicals,—for upsetting
of the Sudds
When the world wagged well enuff—and Wommen
washed your old dirty duds,
I’m Certain sure Enuff your Ann Sisters had
no steem Indians, that’s Flat,—
But I warrant your Four Fathers went as Tidy and gentlemanny
for all that—
I suppose your the Family as lived in the Great Kittle
I see on Clapham Commun, some times a very considerable
period back when
I were little,
And they Said it went with Steem,—But that
was a joke!
For I never see none come of it,—that’s
out of it—but only sum Smoak—
And for All your Power of Horses about your Indians
you never had but Two
In my time to draw you About to Fairs—and
hang you, you know that’s true!
And for All your fine Perspectuses,—howsomever
you bewhich ’em,
Theirs as Pretty ones off Primerows Hill, as ever
a one at Mitchum,
Tho’ I cant sea What Prospectives and washing
has with one another to Do—
It aint as if a Bird’seye Hankicher could take
a Birds-high view!
But Thats your look out—I’ve not
much to do with that—But pleas God to
hold up fine,
I’d show you caps and pinners and small things
as lilliwhit as Ever
crosst the Line
Without going any Father off then Little Parodies
And Thats more than you Can—and I’ll
say it behind your face—
But when Folks talks of washing, it aint for you to
As kept Dockter Pattyson out of his Shirt for a Weak!
Thinks I, when I heard it—Well there’s
a pretty go!
That comes o’ not marking of things or washing
out the marks, and
Huddling ’em
up so!
Till Their friends conies and owns them, like drownded
corpeses in a Vault,
But may Hap you havint Larn’d to spel—and
That aint your Fault,
Only you ought to leafe the Linnins to them as has
For if it warnt for Washing,—and whare
Bills is concarned
What’s the Yuse, of all the world, for a Womans
And Their Being maid Schollards of Sundays—fit
for any Cityation.
Well, what I says is This—when every
Kittle has its spout,
Theirs no nead for Companys to puff steem about!
To be sure its very Well, when Their aint enuff Wind
For blowing up Boats with,—but not to hurt
human kind
Like that Pearkins with his Blunderbush, that’s
loaded with hot water,
Tho’ a X Sherif might know Better, than make
things for slaughtter,
As if War warnt Cruel enuff—wherever it
Without shooting poor sogers, with sich scalding hot
But thats not so Bad as a Sett of Bare Faced Scrubbs
As joins their Sopes together, and sits up Steem rubbing
For washing Dirt Cheap,—and eating other
Peple’s grubs!