A Philosophicall Essay for the Reunion of the Languages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 37 pages of information about A Philosophicall Essay for the Reunion of the Languages.

A Philosophicall Essay for the Reunion of the Languages eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 37 pages of information about A Philosophicall Essay for the Reunion of the Languages.

I shall possibly be wonderd at, that being able to accomplish all by this single method, I have not in the interim recours to it, when all other ways prove unserviceable; But after all, tho this method be perhaps more ingenuous and of a more profound speculation, it is not however the most naturall and compendious, be it never so refind’d or accomodate to my designe, and I hardly understand the reason why any man should affect a crooked and uncouth road to active at his purpose when the streight lyes before him.

The second part of the desine.

Comparison alone is not (in the opinion of some) sufficient to accomplish the present intention, however accurate it be; if it want the supports of reason, it may rationally be suspected for being more airy then solid, and without injustice the same character may be given to some of those unusuall Chances that sometimes produce the most surprizing effects.  Besides altho the vivacity and force of imagination be easily admitted into the relations of the Languages, and leaves there forcible impressions, yet it neither warrants certitude, nor dislodgeth confusion; ’tis reason alone that establisheth the mind in its cognizances, and credits all its conceptions with order, tis that alone which perfects the combination of all their relations and agreements according to the naturall connexion which they have with the same principles on which they depend in Common.

That which seems to be of greatest moment is that the principles be plausible and rationall and such as man may lay a stress on without suspicion or fear, and this is that which in a singular manner the principles of this Art challenge to themselves, being in my opinion infinitely more sensible then those which Philosophy proposeth under the characters of uncontroleable truths; I have therefore taken them all from the very natures of the subject of which I am treating viz:  from the deflections and different regards under which the consideration of words may be manag’d; wch may last of all serve for an assurance, that chance hath not all that Empire and authority, that is given it over the Languages; and that it would be no great difficulty to make it appear, that in the Languages themselves there are well fram’d and solid reasons, for every thing that appears otherwise, and hath been hitherto suppos’d to be the bare effect of Caprice.

It may be perceiv’d by the very effects themselves that it will make up a science fully demonstrative, and back’t with such consequences, as may very well passe for compleat models in this kind:  And above all the scope of its principles infinitely shortens the way without being at all oblig’d to make a descent to a thousand taedious and wearisome differences; which appear much better, and in a more elegant manner in their principles then in themselves, which is an incouragement for me to hope that a Language for the acquest of which we have formerly by a close application numbred severall years, will by this means be made the divertisement of some hours, or at most but some few days.

Project Gutenberg
A Philosophicall Essay for the Reunion of the Languages from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.