Chicopee. First ...9.81
Holyoke. Second ...50.00
Ludlow ...13.87
Westfield. First ...65.30
" " for Grand View, Tenn. ...75.00
" " for Sch’p Hampton N. and A. Inst. ...70.00
" " for Jewett Mem. Hall ...25.00
W. Springfield. Mittineague. ...3.32
" Park St. Y.P.S.C.E. ...17.00 Ira Merril ...2.00
-------- 331.30
Woman’s Home Missionary
Association, Ella A. Leland, Treasurer,
for Woman’s Work:
For Salary of Teachers ...440.00
For Student Aid, Williamsburg, Ky. ...40.00
Newton. Mr. Cobb’s
S.S. Class for Sch’p, Indian Sch., Santee
Agency, Neb. ...6.25
-------- $486.25
$6,040 38
Greenfield. Estate of
Ex-Gov. William B. Washburn, by W.N.
Washburn and F.G. Fessenden,
Ex’s, Additional ...10,000.00
Holliston. Estate of
Dea. George Batchelder, by J.M. Batchelder,
for Ex’s ...1,000.00
Swampscott. Estate of
Miss Lucy A. Hopkins, by Miss Lucretia A.
Hopkins, Executrix ...1,000.00
Woburn. Estate of Miss
Ruth M. Leathe, by S.H. Leathe and Wm. W.
Hill, Ex’s ...3,500.00
Andover, Mass. Sab.
Sch. West Cong. Ch., Box for Gregory Inst.,
Wilmington, N.C.
Ashfield, Mass. Cong. Ch., Bbl. Val. 25, for McLeansville, N.C.
Georgetown, Mass. Peabody Memorial Ch., Box, for Sherwood, Tenn.
Newton, Mass. Mrs. M.T.
Vincent. Eliot Ch., Books and Magazines,
for Library, Williamsburg,
Somerville, Mass. Y.P.
Miss’y Circle of Day St. Church. Box, Val.
52, for Pleasant Hill,
RHODE ISLAND, $249.54.
Barrington. Cong.
Ch., (5 of which from “Little Parsonage
Builders,”) for Williamsburg
Academy, Ky. ...100.00
Providence. Beneficent
Cong. Ch., 109.02; Free Evan. Cong.
Ch., 25
Providence. Y.P.S.C.E.
of North Cong. Ch., for Grand View, Tenn.
Riverpoint, Y.P.S.C.E. of Cong, Ch., for Indian M. ...5.00
Westerly. Mrs. Mary T. Babcock, for Mountain Work ...4.50
CONNECTICUT, $3,904.99.
Andover. Cong. Ch. ...10.00
Branford. First Cong.
Ch, to const. EDWARD D. SHELDON L.M.
Bristol. E. Ingraham
& Co., 6 Clocks, Bristol Mission Circle, Box
Sundries, for Talladega
Bridgeport. Y.P.S.C.E. Park St. Ch., for Indian Sch’p. ...22.75