Notes and Queries, Number 64, January 18, 1851 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 64, January 18, 1851.

Notes and Queries, Number 64, January 18, 1851 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 52 pages of information about Notes and Queries, Number 64, January 18, 1851.

The Tomb of Geoffrey Chaucer in Westminster Abbey is fast mouldering into irretrievable decay.  A sum of One Hundred Pounds will effect a perfect repair.  The Committee have not thought it right to fix any limit to the subscription; they themselves, have opened the list with a contribution from each of them of Five Shillings; but they will be ready to receive any amount, more or less, which those who value poetry and honour Chaucer may be kind enough to remit to them.

Subscriptions have been received from the Earls of Carlisle, Ellesmere, and Shaftesbury, Viscounts Strangford and Mahon, Pres.  Soc.  Antiq., The Lords Braybrooke and Londesborough, and many other noblemen and gentlemen.

Subscriptions are received by all the members of the Committee, and at the Union Bank, Pall Mall East.  Post-office orders may be made payable at the Charing Cross Office, to William Richard Drake, Esq., the Treasurer, 46.  Parliament Street, or William J. Thomas, Esq., Hon Sec., 25.  Holy-Well Street, Millbank.

* * * * *

THE GENTLEMAN’S MAGAZINE for DECEMBER contains the following articles:—­1.  An Evening with Voltaire, by Mr. R.N.  Neville; 2.  The New Cratylus; 3.  Old Ballads from the Bright Collection; 4.  The Abbe de Saint-Pierre; 5 Norman Crosses (with Engravings); 6.  Duchess of Queensberry and Gay; 7.  Dryden and Flecknoe; 8.  Legends of the Monastic Orders; 9.  T. Lodge and his Works; 10.  Birth of the Old Pretender; 11.  History of Winchelsea (with Engravings); 12.  Autobiography of Mr. Britton; 13.  The recent Papal Bull historically considered:  with Notes of the Month.  Review of New Publications, Literary and Antiquarian Intelligence, Historical Chronicle, and OBITUARY, including Memoirs of Lord Rancliffe, Lord Stanley of Alderley, Lord Leigh, Chief Justice Doherty, Rev. Dr. Thackeray, John Jardine, Esq., Thomas Hodgson, Esq., F.S.A., Newcastle, &c., &c.  Price 2s. 6d.

“The Gentleman’s Magazine has been revived with a degree of spirit and talent which promises the best assurance of its former popularity.”—­Taunton Courier.

“The additional talent which the new year has brought to its assistance, will give an impetus advantageous to the circulation of The Gentleman’s, and, high as it previously stood, will advance it still more in the estimation of those who are enabled to appreciate its worth.”—­Poole Herald.

The Magazine for January, 1851, will contain a portrait of the late Thomas Amyot, Esq., Treasurer of the Society of Antiquaries.

NICHOLS AND SON, 25.  Parliament Street.

* * * * *

Price 1d., by Post 2d., or 5s. per Hundred for Distribution.

WESTMINSTER AND DR. WISEMAN; or, FACTS v. FICTION.  By WILLIAM PAGE WOOD, Esq., M.P., Q.C.  Reprinted from The Times, with an Advertisement on the subject of the WESTMINSTER SPIRITUAL AID FUND, and especially on the Duty and Justice of applying the Revenues of the suspended Stalls of the Abbey for the adequate Endowment of the District Churches in the immediate neighbourhood.

Project Gutenberg
Notes and Queries, Number 64, January 18, 1851 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.