INVESTIGATOR is referred to Lowndes’ Bibliographer’s Manual_, under the title “Huloet,” for an account of Huloet’s Abecedarium, as well as of the newly corrected edition of it by Higgins_.
A SUBSCRIBER who wishes for an abridged translation of Dugdale’s account of Norton Priory, Lincolnshire, is referred to Wright’s English Abridgment of the Monasticon_, published in_ 1718.
J.K. (Medical Use of Mice) is thanked for his friendly Postscript. He will, we trust, see a great alteration in future.
CURIOSUS. The best account of the Domestic Fool is in Douce’s Illustrations of Shakespeare_, and Flaegel’s_ Geschichte der Hofnarren.
PHILO-STEVENS. Rask’s Anglo-Saxon Grammar_, by Thorpe; and Vernon’s Guide to Anglo-Saxon, are considered the best elementary books_.
The INDEX_ to our SECOND VOLUME will, we trust, be ready by the middle of the present month_.
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