The Southern Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Southern Cross.

The Southern Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Southern Cross.

[Shakes him roughly by the arm.

Gordon (half rising, as though very sleepy).  What’s the matter?

Bill.  Matter?  Get up from thar and you’ll see.

Gordon.  Well, I’m awake.  What do you want?

Bill.  Two fellers from the army ter see yer.  Hump!  That makes you look up, don’t it?  I guess they’ve got important business with you, you damned spy!

Gordon (rises quickly, confronting him).  Be careful!

Bill (astonished, but drawing back).  Careful, eh?  We’ll be careful enough of you.  I don’t guess your stay will be much longer here.  That is the way we has with spies—­damn you! (he opens the door).  In here, sir.

[Enter Winthrop and Hopkins.  They wear their hats and long
riding capes and have evidently come a long way.

Hopkins.  That’s all, thank you.  Wait outside and leave the lantern.

[Exit Bill.

Winthrop.  In here?

Hop.  Yes.  This is the room.

[They come forward.

Gordon (rises to his feet).  Good evening!

Winth.  Cabell!

Hop.  Good evening!

[Winthrop offers hand.  Gordon looks at him for a second,
then gives hand.

Winth.  Our business is of the uttermost importance, sir.  You must excuse the hour.

Gordon.  That does not matter.

Hop.  Hillary is in here with you, I understand.  We have come to see you both.

Gordon.  There are only a few of us in this part of the prison.  We share the two rooms.

Winth.  Our time is limited sir, we must see Mr. Hillary also.

Gordon.  I’ll find him, sir. (He goes to the door then turns) Could you not tell me, without him.  He’s been quite ill.  He’s only just asleep.

Winth.  I’m sorry to hear this.  How is he now?

Gordon (hesitates for a second).  I think—­He’s very much better now.

Winth.  But you will he enough.  Now Cabell, first you must understand why we come here to-night.  We came to try and save your life.  You and Hillary have been captured in disguise, which means you both are spies, but we found no papers on you, and for that reason I could send you here.  Now, Hopkins and I have thought and thought about your capture:  but we cannot understand it, and that is why we come to you.  You’ve played a part—­a desperate game.  You had some motive back of your surrender, but what we cannot guess.  Now, man, I want to help you for your sake and for the sake of those back there.  Go call out Hillary, and make a clean breast of it all.  Tell me your game.  Confess, and I will get you both your liberty.

        [Gordon stands looking at him for a second, then very slowly: 

Gordon.  I—­I—­don’t understand what you ask.  Surely, you have forgotten that you are speaking to an enlisted soldier of the South.

Winth. (quickly).  I didn’t mean that.  See here—­I only thought you’d fail, and then there was a chance to save the hearts of those you love, even as I love them.

Project Gutenberg
The Southern Cross from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.