The Southern Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Southern Cross.

The Southern Cross eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 92 pages of information about The Southern Cross.

Bev.  Some one at the door.

Mrs. S. Impossible! it leads to your room.

[The knock again.

Bev.  Who’s there? (he opens the door) Who’s in here?

Carter (within).  Are you all there?

Bev.  What do you mean?  Come out!

[Enter Carter disguised.  He wears a black beard, a hat pulled far
over his eyes, and old, rough clothes and a very shabby U.S. 
Army cloak; he has a pack on his back:  he looks about, sees
only the family, throws down the pack, tearing off his hat
and beard.

Carter.  Charlotte!  Aunt!

[They pause for a moment, then rush to him.

Char.  Carter!

Carter.  Shut that window—­quick!

[Fair runs to window, draws curtains.

Mrs. S. Carter!  How have you come?  Do you know—­

Carter.  Yes.  I know they’re out there still.  That is why I am here.

Char.  A spy!  Oh, God!

Carter.  I’m safe so far.  I’ve been all through the camp dressed as a pedler.  I got the plans; all Morgan has to know.  Have you seen Winthrop?  Does he come here?

Mrs. S. No.

Carter.  Thank God!  Then I can stay till midnight.

Mrs. S. Where have you been the past three days?

Carter.  We’ve been hiding in a cane-brake two miles down the river.  Uncle and Gordon are with me; the others went back to Morgan.  As soon as I get to him with the plans of Winthrop’s forces, he will attack.  Have you a horse here?

Bev.  Yes, Tony; you can take him.

Carter.  We thought the enemy had gone on down the river.  If I could get the plans, I was to take them on to Morgan, and they to follow.  Here, take the paper, Charlotte.  I must not lose a minute.  Bring that candle. (He gives Charlotte a paper).

[Fair brings candle and holds it for Charlotte to read.

I must not carry that.  ’Twould mean my certain death if I were captured.  I run the chances as it is.  Here, see if I know it?

Char. (opens paper).  Begin.

Carter (reciting).  “Twelfth Massachusetts, under Winthrop’s command, stationed on south bank of Aspen river, two miles below station known as Fairmount Junction.  Evident plans for encampment of some days.  Long hill, covered with scrub pine and bushes, on right.  Affords excellent cover.  Aspen river on left.  Too deep to attempt ford.  Large encampment.  Valuable stores.  Pickets stationed quarter mile out on all roads.”  Is that right?

Char.  Yes, you know it—­you are sure?

Carter.  I’ve said it over to myself until I know it backward. 
Burn it.

Char.  The candle, Fair. (She holds paper in flame until
destroyed; she tears remaining bits).  Is there any more?

Carter.  Yes, but I am sure of it all.  If I can only get to Morgan with it, we can wipe them from existence.

Fair.  You mean you’d kill them all?

Project Gutenberg
The Southern Cross from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.