Recreations in Astronomy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Recreations in Astronomy.

Recreations in Astronomy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 235 pages of information about Recreations in Astronomy.

Mr. Grove says, “Causation is the will, creation is the act, of God.”  Creation is planned and inspired for the attainment of constantly rising results.  The order is chaos, light, worlds, vegetable forms, animal life, then man.  There is no reason to pause here.  This is not perfection, not even perpetuity.  Original plans are not accomplished, nor original force exhausted.  In another world, free from sickness, sorrow, pain, and death, perfection of abode is offered.  Perfection of inhabitant is necessary; and as the creative power is everywhere present for the various uplifts and refinements of matter, it is everywhere present with appropriate power for the uplifting and refinement of mind and spirit.


Movements on the Sun.—­The discovery and measurement of the up-rush, down-rush, and whirl of currents about the sunspots, also of the determination of the velocity of rotation by means of the spectroscope, as described (page 53), is one of the most delicate and difficult achievements of modern science.

Movement of Stars in Line of Sight (page 51).—­The following table shows this movement of stars, so far as at present known: 

-------- | APROACHING. || RECEDING. | |------------------------------||---------------------------
----| | Map. | Name. | Rate || Map. | Name. | Rate | | | | per sec. || | | per sec. | |-------|-----------|----------||--------|-----------|------
----| |Fig. 71|Arcturus | 55 miles ||Fig. 69 |Sirius | 20 miles | | " 72|Vega | 50 " ||Fr’piece|Betelguese | 22 " | | " 73|a Cygni | 39 " || " |Rigel | 15 " | | " 69|Pollux | 49 " ||Fig. 69 |Castor | 25 " | | " 67|Dubhe | 46 " || " 70 |Regulus | 15 " | ------------------------------------------------------------

Sun’s Appearance.—­This was formerly supposed to be an even, regular, dazzling brightness, except where the spots appeared.  But the sun’s surface is now known to be mottled with what are called rice grains or willow leaves.  But the rice grains are as large as the continent of America.  The spaces between are called pores.  They constitute an innumerable number of small spots.  This appearance of the general surface is well portrayed in the cut on page 92.

Close Relation between Sun and Earth.-Men always knew that the earth received light from the sun.  They subsequently discovered that the earth was momentarily held by the power [Page 270] of gravitation.  But it is a recent discovery that the light is one of the principal agents in chemical changes, in molecular grouping and world-building, thus making all kinds of life possible (p. 30-36).  The close connection of the sun and the earth will be still farther shown in the relation of sun-spots and auroras.  One of the most significant instances is related on page 19, when the earth felt the fall of bolides upon the sun.  Members of the body no more answer to the heart than the planets do to the sun.

Project Gutenberg
Recreations in Astronomy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.