Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.

Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.
Lac e dae’ mon (las-), an ancient Greek city, same as Sparta. Lach’ e sis (lak-), one of the three Fates. La om’ e don, a king of Troy, father of Priam. Lo’ ki, in Norse mythology, the spirit of mischief. Lor raine’, a region on the border between France and Germany.

 Ma hom’ et, an Arab, the founder of Mohammedanism.
 Mai’ a gis (-zhe), a dwarf enchanter and magician.
 Maer seilles’ (-salz), a city of France on the Mediterranean.

Maer sil’ i us, a Moorish king of Spain. Mayence (mae yons’), a city on the Rhine River. Mel e a’ ger (-jer), a Greek hero, prince of Calydon. Mi’ mer, in Norse mythology, the possessor of the well of wisdom. Mor’ gan le Fay, the queen of the fairies. My ce’ nae, a city of ancient Greece.

 Nae’ mon, Charlemagne’s most trusted counsellor.
 Ne’ reus, “the old man of the sea,” father of the sea nymphs.
 Nes’ tor, king of Pylos, oldest of the Greek heroes at Troy.

O’ din, in Norse mythology the chief of the gods. O dys’ seus, the wisest of the Greek heroes; same as Ulysses. Oenone (e no’ ne), a river nymph, the wife of Paris. Ogier (o zha), a Danish hero under Charlemagne. Oi’ neus, a king of Calydon, father of Meleager. Ol’ i ver, one of Charlemagne’s paladins, comrade of Roland, O lym’ pus, a mountain in Greece, the home of the gods. O res’ tes, the son of Agamemnon. Orleans (or la on’), an important city in France. Or sil’ o chus, a king of the ancient city of Pherae.
Pal a me’ des, a Greek hero in the war with Troy. Par’ is, a prince of Troy, second son of Priam. Paer nas’ sus, a mountain in Greece near Delphi. Pe’ leus, the father of Achilles. Pe’ li on, a mountain on the east coast of Greece. Pep’ in, a king of the Franks, father of Charlemagne. Phoe’ bus, another name for Apollo. Pied’ mont, a district in northern Italy. Pol’ lux, the twin brother of Castor, and brother of Helen. Po sei’ don, supreme lord of the sea; same as Neptune. Pri’ am, the last king of Troy. Pu elle’, an ancient forest in France. Py’ los, an ancient town in the south part of Greece. Pyr’ e nees, the mountains between France and Spain. Py’ thon, the serpent slain by Apollo.
Raen, in Norse mythology, the goddess of the sea. Re’ gin (-jin), a dwarf, the instructor of Siegfried. Ro’ land, the most famous of Charlemagne’s paladins. Ronce vaux’ (-vo), a valley in Navarre, Spain, in the Pyrenees. Roussillon (roo se’ yon’), an ancient district of France.
St. Omer (sen to mar’), a famous city in northern France. St. Quentin (saan kon tan’), a city in northeastern France.
Project Gutenberg
Hero Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.