Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.

Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.

“Thou King of the Elves,” cried Loki, “thy cunning has not saved thee.  Tell me, on thy life, where thy hidden treasures lie!”

The wise dwarf knew who it was that thus held him as in a vise; and he answered frankly, for it was his only hope of escape, “Turn over the stone upon which you stand.  Beneath it you will find the treasure you seek.”

Then Loki put his shoulder to the rock, and pushed with all his might.  But it seemed as firm as the mountain, and would not be moved.

“Help us, thou cunning dwarf,” he cried—­“help us, and thou shalt have thy life!”

The dwarf put his shoulder to the rock, and it turned over as if by magic, and underneath was disclosed a wondrous chamber, whose walls shone brighter than the sun, and on whose floor lay treasures of gold and glittering gem stones such as no man had ever seen.  And Loki, in great haste, seized upon the hoard, and placed it in the magic net which he had borrowed from the Ocean-queen.  Then he came out of the chamber; and Andvari again put his shoulder to the rock which lay at the entrance, and it swung back noiselessly to its place.

“What is that upon thy finger?” suddenly cried Loki.  “Wouldst keep back a part of the treasure?  Give me the ring thou hast!”

But the dwarf shook his head, and made answer, “I have given thee all the riches that the elves of the mountain have gathered since the world began.  This ring I cannot give thee, for without its help we shall never be able to gather more treasures together.”

Loki grew very angry at these words of the dwarf; and he seized the ring, and tore it by force from Andvari’s finger.  It was a wondrous little piece of mechanism shaped like a serpent, coiled, with its tail in its mouth; and its scaly sides glittered with many a tiny diamond, and its ruby eyes shone with an evil light.  When the dwarf knew that Loki really meant to rob him of the ring, he cursed it and all who should ever possess it, saying: 

“May the ill-gotten treasure that you have seized to-night be your bane, and the bane of all to whom it may come, whether by fair means or by foul!  And the ring which you have torn from my hand, may it entail upon the one who wears it sorrow and untold ills, the loss of friends, and a violent death!”

Loki was pleased with these words, and with the dark curses which the dwarf pronounced upon the gold; for he loved wrong-doing for wrong-doing’s sake, and he knew that no curses could ever make his own life more cheerless than it always had been.  So he thanked Andvari for his curses and his treasures; then, throwing the magic net upon his shoulder, he sprang again into the air, and was carried swiftly back to Hunaland; and, just before the dawn appeared in the east, he alighted at the door of the farmhouse where Odin and Hoenir still lay bound with thongs, and guarded by the watchful Fafnir and Regin.

Then the farmer, Hreidmar, brought the otter’s skin, and spread it upon the ground; and, lo! it grew, and spread out on all sides, until it covered an acre of ground.  And he cried out, “Fulfil now your promise!  Cover every hair of this hide with gold or with precious stones.  If you fail to do this, then your lives, by your own agreement, are forfeited, and we shall do with you as we list.”

Project Gutenberg
Hero Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.