Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.

Hero Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 139 pages of information about Hero Tales.


REGIN’S story[1]

When the earth was still very young, and men were feeble and few, and the Dwarfs were many and strong, the Asa-folk were wont oft-times to leave their halls in heaven-towering Asgard in order to visit the new-formed mid-world, and to see what the short-lived sons of men were doing.  Sometimes they came in their own god-like splendor and might; sometimes they came disguised as feeble men folk, with all man’s weaknesses and all his passions.  Sometimes Odin, as a beggar, wandered from one country to another, craving charity; sometimes, as a warrior clad in coat of mail, he rode forth to battle for the cause of right; or as a minstrel he sang from door to door, and played sweet music in the halls of the great; or as a huntsman he dashed through brakes and fens, and into dark forests, and climbed steep mountains in search of game; or as a sailor he embarked upon the sea, and sought new scenes in unknown lands.  And many times did men folk entertain him unawares.

Once on a time he came to the mid-world in company with Hoenir and Loki; and the three wandered through many lands and in many climes, each giving gifts wherever they went.  Odin gave knowledge and strength, and taught men how to read the mystic runes; Hoenir gave gladness and good cheer, and lightened many hearts with the glow of his comforting presence; but Loki had naught to give but cunning deceit and base thoughts, and he left behind him bitter strife and many aching breasts.

At last, growing tired of the fellowship of men, the three Asas sought the solitude of the forest, and as huntsmen wandered long among the hills and over the wooded heights of Hunaland.  Late one afternoon they came to a mountain stream at a place where it poured over a ledge of rocks and fell in clouds of spray into a rocky gorge below.  As they stood, and with pleased eyes gazed upon the waterfall, they saw near the bank an otter lazily making ready to eat a salmon which he had caught.  Then Loki, ever bent on doing mischief, hurled a stone at the harmless beast, and killed it.  And he boasted loudly that he had done a worthy deed.  He took both the otter and the fish which it had caught, and carried them with him as trophies of the day’s success.

Just at nightfall the three huntsmen came to a lone farmhouse in the valley, and asked for food, and for shelter during the night.

“Shelter you shall have,” said the farmer, whose name was Hreidmar, “for the rising clouds foretell a storm.  But food I have none to give you.  Surely huntsmen of skill should not want for food, since the forest teems with game, and the streams are full of fish.”

Then Loki threw upon the ground the otter and the fish, and said, “We have sought in both forest and stream, and we have taken from them at one blow both flesh and fish.  Give us but the shelter you promise, and we will not trouble you for food.”

Project Gutenberg
Hero Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.