“Be fruitful now and increase; fill the verdant earth with progeny, your race, both sons and daughters. Under your sway shall be the salt water and all the created world. Enjoy prosperous days, [ruling over] both 200 the fishes of the deep and the fowls of the air. Into your power are given the sacred herd and the wild beasts and every living thing that walks the earth; all breath-ing creatures, whatsoever the sea brings forth over the 205 whale-paths, all things belong to you two.”
Then our Maker beheld the beauty of his works and the fullness of his abundance, his new creations. Pa-radise stood, good and holy, filled with blessings, ever- 210 lasting bounty. That kindly soil was beauteously watered by the rushing seas and springing fountains; for never yet had clouds dark with wind brought down rains over the broad earth: but none the less the ground stood crowned with its harvest. From this new Garden 215 four noble river-streams have their outflow: these were all partitioned out of one fair-shining water by the might of the Lord, when he created the earth, and [were thus] 220 sent out into the world. Men dwelling on the earth, the peoples of the nations, call one of these Fison, which broadly girdles with its bright streams a quarter of the earth beyond Hebeleac[7]: in that ancestral soil the sons 225 of men, nations near and far, find the best gold and precious stones,[8] as the books tell us. Then the second [river], whose name is Geon, girdles the land and govern-ment of Ethiopia, an ample kingdom. The third is 230 Tigris, a foaming stream which encircles the people of Assyria. Such likewise is the fourth, which men among many a nation now widely call Eufrates....[9]
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(Genesis B intervenes here.)
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Then the Almighty King, the great Lord, came forth into the garden about mid-day, by his divine will; for 855 our Saviour and merciful Father wished to find out what his children were doing: he knew that they were sinful to whom he had given perfection. Bereft of their beatitude and stricken in spirit, they avoided his presence by retreating among the shadows of the trees; 860 they hid themselves in dark recesses, when they heard the holy word of the Lord and feared him. Straight-way the King of Heaven began to call for the keeper of the [newly] created world; the mighty Lord bade his son come to him forthwith. He answered him then, 865 the wretched one himself, destitute of clothing, [and] said:
“Lord of my life, I am hiding myself here because unclothed; basely sinful, I am covering my shame with leaves: my pain is cruel, most bitter in my heart. I dare 870 not now go forth before thy presence: I am all naked!”