Ocean, contents of Grotius’s treatise on the
freedom of the ocean, 24
The several answers to it, 26.
Oldemburg, his elogium of Grotius, 334.
Orange, William prince of, his death, 8
What confusion it occasions in the United
Provinces, ibid.
Ostend, Prosopopoeia of that town, written by Grotius,
The great character of this piece, ibid.
Overchie, Alida, her marriage with John de Groot,
Her family, ibid
Her death, ibid.
Oxensteirn, high Chancellor of Sweden, sends for Grotius,
Is his patron at Gustavus’s court,
Nominated regent of Sweden during the
minority of queen Christina,
Opposes the treaty made with France by
the envoys of the allies, 147
His journey to France and arrival at court,
Makes a new treaty with the french king,
His satisfaction with Grotius’s
preface to his history of the
antiquity of the Goths, 255.
Oxensteirn, Benedict, a relation of the high Chancellor,
sent to France
by king Gustavus, 134
Esteem which he conceives for Grotius,
Patin, Guy, what he says of the manner of Grotius’s
death, 242
His elogium of that learned man, 333.
Patiniana, what it says of Grotius’s pretended inclination to judaism, 325.
Pau, ambassador from Holland to France, at a loss
how to behave to
Grotius, 144
The ill offices which he doth him, 173
Petau, Father, Grotius’s esteem for him, 266
Sends him his commentary on the Gospels,
His connection with Grotius, 300
Says mass for his soul, 301
The account he gives of his first acquaintance
with that learned man,
Peyresc, Nicholas, visits Grotius on his arrival at
Paris, 90
Sets him about writing the treatise of
war and peace, 108
Services which he did him when compiling
his annals of the Low
Countries, 259
His esteem for him from his youth, 327.
Pontanus, Isaac, his elogium of Grotius when a boy, 7, 326.
Pope, Grotius maintains and proves his supremacy, 288.
Provinces, United, state of their affairs at Grotius’s
birth, 7
Embassy sent by them to Henry III. of
France, ibid
refuse to make peace with Spain, 10
Embassy sent by them on that subject to
Henry IV., ibid
Refuse the truce offered them, 11
Nominate Grotius to be their historiographer,
See Dutch.
Puffendorf, allows that little remained to be said after what Grotius had written of war and peace, 110.
Quistorpius, John, minister of Rostock, assisted Grotius
at his death,
Relation which he gives of it, ibid.