Applies to the study of the law, 346
Uneasiness which his irresolution gives his father, ibid
His marriage, 347
The edition which he purposed to publish of his father’s works, ibid
Enters into the service of the elector Palatine, 348
Is nominated pensionary of Amsterdam, ibid
Rise of his displeasure against France, ibid.
Goes ambassador to Stockholm, 349
His great knowledge of men, 349
Is made pensionary of Rotterdam, and nominated ambassador from
Holland to France, 350
Success of his embassy, ibid
Involved in the disgrace of the De Wits, 351
Arrested and acquitted, ibid
His death, 352
His elogium by Vicquefort, ibid.
Gustavus, king of Sweden, Grotius great veneration
for that prince, 133
His esteem for Grotius, 135
Purposes to engage him in his service,
Gives orders before his death for employing
him in the Swedish
ministry, ibid
The value he set upon his treatise of
War and Peace, ibid.
Heemskerke, Elselinga, her family, and marriage with
Hugo de Groot, 2
Her children, ibid.
Heinsius, Daniel, his elogium of Grotius when a boy,
His Aristarchus Sacer, 264
The rival and secret enemy of Grotius,
Ill success of his commentary on the New
Testament, 266
Grotius’s management of him, ibid.
Verses by Heinsius to be put under Grotius’s
picture, 330.
Heinsius, Nicholas, 18, 351.
Henry IV., the reception given by him to Grotius, 11.
Hoffman, calls Grotius the Phoenix of his age, 334.
Holland, the counts of, who was the first, 27
Their power and authority, ibid.
Holland, the states of, their first regulation with
regard to the
Arminians and Gomarists, 41
They declare for a toleration, 46.
Their edict on this subject, 47
Authorise the magistrates of the towns
to raise troops, 49
Deputation sent by them to the town of
Amsterdam, and its success, 50,
Vain scheme prepared by them for a re-union,
Afraid of the holding of a national synod,
why, 55
Deputation sent by them to Utrecht, on
what occasion, 56
Consent to the holding of the synod of
Dort, 60
Their complaints against the imprisonment
of Barnevelt, and the rest,
They are accused of favouring Socinianism,
Their apology by Grotius, ibid.
Holland, the grand pensionary of, his office, and power, 29.
Hoogerbetz, pensionary of Leiden, deputed to Utrecht,
on what occasion,
Arrested by order of prince Maurice, 58
Is condemned to perpetual imprisonment,
Is removed to the fortress of Louvestein,
He comes out of prison, 107
His death, ibid.
Horn, Marshal, made prisoner at the battle of Norlinguen,
139, 225
Grotius negotiates his exchange for John
de Vert, 225.