Elizabeth Queen of England takes the United Provinces
under her
protection, 8
Her treaty with them, ibid.
English, their dispute with the Dutch concerning the
Greenland fishery,
Were the first who disputed with cardinal
Richelieu the privileges of
the cardinalship, 170
Their broil with the Swedes about precedency,
Episcopius, is deposed by the synod of Dort, 61
What Grotius writes to him concerning
the Eucharist, 291
Regards that learned man as his oracle,
Estrades, an anecdote related by him of prince Henry
Frederic of Nassau,
Is displeased with Peter Grotius pensionary
of Amsterdam, 348.
Eucharist, Grotius is at first prejudiced against
the opinion of the
Romish church concerning this sacrament, 291
His thoughts of it afterwards, ibid.
Euripides, most esteemed by Grotius of all the tragic
poets, 278
Several of his pieces translated by him,
Fabricius, his opinion of Grotius’s Commentary on the Scriptures, 269.
Felda, John de, his notes against Grotius’s treatise De jure belli et pacis, 111.
Freiras, Francis Seraphin, his answer to Grotius’s treatise of the freedom of the Ocean, 26.
Gettichius, his opinion of Grotius’s writings concerning Antichrist, 271.
Gilot, James, his praise of Grotius when a boy, 7.
Gomar, rise of his dispute with Arminius, 39
His doctrine concerning predestination
and grace, 40
Is summoned to appear before the magistrates,
What he says there, ibid.
Gomarists, their conference with the Arminians in
presence of the States
of Holland, 41
On what occasion they were called Contra-remonstrants,
45, 46
Are favoured by the people, 46
Disturbances raised by them, ibid
Their complaint against the edict published
by the States, 49
Separate from the communism of the Arminians,
Goths, Grotius writes their antiquities, 252
The plan and design of this work, ibid
Its publication, 255.
Grasvinkel, Theodore, who, 112
undertakes a defence of Grotius’s
treatise of war and peace, ibid.
Gronovius, suspected by Grotius of having availed himself of his notes on Tacitus, 246.
Groot, Cornelius de, his birth, 2
His employments, 2, 3
His death, 3
Leaves several Pieces in MS., ibid.
Groot, Diederic de, origin and signification of his
name of Groot, 1
Marries his daughter to Cornelius Cornets,
Groot, Ermengarda de, who she was, 1, 2
Her marriage with Cornelius Cornets, ibid
Her children, 2.
Groot, Hugo de, his birth, 2
How he distinguished himself, ibid
His death, ibid
His children, ibid.