How can any one be one any one is loving when every one is a fat one or a thin one or in between. How can any one be one loving any one when every one is one not loving some. Every one loving any one is a thin one or a fat one or in between. Any one loving any one is one loving in being a fat one or a thin one or in between. Being a fat one and loving is something. Being a thin one and loving is something. Being in between being a thin one and being a fat one and loving is something. Being a fat one or being a thin one or being in between is being one being that one. Loving is something. Being a fat one is something. Being a thin one is something. Being in between being a fat one and a thin one is something. Being loving is something. Being not loving is something. Being believing in loving is something. Being not believing in loving is something. Being certain that not being a baby is something is something. Being certain that being a baby is something is something. Why is any one being something? Any one is being something because any one is being one being a fat one or a thin one or in between.
Loving is being existing. Loving has been being existing. Loving being existing and some being ones being loving and some having been ones being loving loving is being existing. Loving is being existing and some are ones being loving. Loving is being existing and some are ones some are loving. Loving is being existing and some are believing that loving is being existing. Loving is being existing and some are believing that babies are being existing. Babies are being existing and some are believing that loving is being existing. Babies are being existing. Loving is being existing. Some are believing that loving and babies are being existing. Any one can come to believe that babies have been existing. Some can come to believe that loving has been existing. Some babies are being living. Any one can come to believe that some babies are being living. Believing something is what some are doing. Not believing something is what some are doing. Loving is what some are doing. Not loving are what some are doing. Being one being that one is something. Any one being that one is being that one. Loving is existing. Believing is existing. Any one is existing. Babies are existing. Anything any one has been beginning is something. Any one begun is something. Not any one is certain of being begun when they are babies. Not any one is then certain of that thing that anything is something. Some loving is existing. Some babies are existing. Loving being existing is something. Some being existing is something. Any one being existing is something. Not every one being existing is something. Everything is something. Any one can be certain that not anything is anything. Any one can be certain that loving is not existing. Any one can be certain that babies are existing. Any one can be certain of something. Some can be certain that loving is existing. Some can be certain of anything. Some can be certain that loving is existing. Some can be certain of anything. Some can be certain that babies are existing. Some can be certain of that thing.