Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales.

Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 123 pages of information about Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales.

“The only plan for us is to go separate ways in search of the flock,” said the Knave; “only let us agree to meet here again.”  They accordingly started in opposite directions; but when the Fool was fairly off, the Knave returned to his place, and lay down as before.

By and by the dog brought the sheep back; so that, when the Fool returned, the Knave got the credit of having found them; for the dog scorned to explain his part in the matter.

As they sat together at supper, the Fool said, “The work is not so easy as I thought.  Could we not find a better trade yet?”

“Can you beg?” said the Knave.  “A beggar’s trade is both easy and profitable.  Nothing is required but walking and talking.  Then one walks at his own pace, for there is no hurry, and no master, and the same tale does for every door.  And, that all may be fair and equal, you shall beg at the front door, whilst I ask an alms at the back.”

To this the Fool gladly agreed; and as he was as lean as a hunted cat, charitable people gave him a penny or two from time to time.  Meanwhile, the Knave went round to the back yard, where he picked up a fowl, or turkey, or anything that he could lay his hands upon.

When he returned to the Fool, he would say, “See what has been given to me, whilst you have only got a few pence.”

At last this made the Fool discontented, and he said, “I should like now to exchange with you.  I will go to the back doors, and you to the front.”

The Knave consented, and at the next house the Fool went to the back door; but the mistress of the farm only rated him, and sent him away.  Meanwhile, the Knave, from the front, had watched her leave the parlour, and slipping in through the window, he took a ham and a couple of new loaves from the table, and so made off.

When the friends met, the Fool was crestfallen at his ill luck, and the Knave complained that all the burden of their support fell upon him.  “See,” said he, “what they give me, where you get only a mouthful of abuse!” And he dined heartily on what he had stolen; but the Fool only had bits of the breadcrust, and the parings of the ham.

At the next place the Fool went to the front door as before, and the Knave secured a fat goose and some plums in the back yard, which he popped under his cloak.  The Fool came away with empty hands, and the Knave scolded him, saying, “Do you suppose that I mean to share this fat goose with a lazy beggar like you?  Go on, and find for yourself.”  With which he sat down and began to eat the plums, whilst the Fool walked on alone.

Project Gutenberg
Old-Fashioned Fairy Tales from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.