Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders.

Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 129 pages of information about Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders.
| | | By CHARLES H. HAWES, M.A., and | | HARRIET B. HAWES, M.A., L.H.D. | | | | CRETE, THE FORERUNNER OF GREECE | | | | Map, Plans, etc. | | | | | | “The wondrous story of a great civilisation | | which flourished before Abraham was born, | | and left behind a memory of itself in the | | Arts of Ancient Greece and in the traditions | | of a golden age and a ’Lost | | Atlantis.’”--Evening Standard. | | | | “We have now the material for forming a very | | fair conception of the fruitful contribution | | made by Crete to Grecian and European | | civilisation.  What was long accounted | | fable--statements of Herodotus and | | Thucydides--have been turned into | | established fact.  The book supplies material | | for forming judgments on some of the most | | interesting and still highly debated | | problems of early Greek history.” | | Glasgow Herald. | | | -------------------------------------------------
|                                               |
|       Harper’s Library of Living Thought      |
|                                               |
|                                               |
|           By Prof.  G. ELLIOT SMITH            |
|                                               |
|            THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS              |
|                                               |
|                Illustrated                  |
|                                               |
|                                               |
| An account of the Egyptians of the            |
| unrecorded past as revealed by the            |
| investigations of the anthropologist.  The     |
| author traces to their source the various     |
| streams of alien immigrants which made their  |
| way into the Nile valley, and correlates his  |
| facts with the great racial movements in the  |
| neighbouring continents.  He shows how the     |
| Egyptians inaugurated a higher                |
| civilisation--particularly in bringing the    |
| Stone Age to a close and introducing the use  |
| of metals.                                    |
|                                               |
| “This is a brilliant little book,             |
| illuminating the whole subject of the         |
| history of the human race since man assumed   |
| his proper shape.”--Manchester Guardian.    |
|                                               |

Project Gutenberg
Rough Stone Monuments and Their Builders from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.