A Distinguished Provincial at Paris eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about A Distinguished Provincial at Paris.

A Distinguished Provincial at Paris eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 447 pages of information about A Distinguished Provincial at Paris.

His hair was badly cut.  Instead of holding himself upright with an elastic corset, he felt that he was cooped up inside a hideous shirt-collar; he hung his dejected head without resistance on the part of a limp cravat.  What woman could guess that a handsome foot was hidden by the clumsy boots which he had brought from Angouleme?  What young man could envy him his graceful figure, disguised by the shapeless blue sack which hitherto he had mistakenly believed to be a coat?  What bewitching studs he saw on those dazzling white shirt fronts, his own looked dingy by comparison; and how marvelously all these elegant persons were gloved, his own gloves were only fit for a policeman!  Yonder was a youth toying with a cane exquisitely mounted; there, another with dainty gold studs in his wristbands.  Yet another was twisting a charming riding-whip while he talked with a woman; there were specks of mud on the ample folds of his white trousers, he wore clanking spurs and a tight-fitting jacket, evidently he was about to mount one of the two horses held by a hop-o’-my-thumb of a tiger.  A young man who went past drew a watch no thicker than a five-franc piece from his pocket, and looked at it with the air of a person who is either too early or too late for an appointment.

Lucien, seeing these petty trifles, hitherto unimagined, became aware of a whole world of indispensable superfluities, and shuddered to think of the enormous capital needed by a professional pretty fellow!  The more he admired these gay and careless beings, the more conscious he grew of his own outlandishness; he knew that he looked like a man who has no idea of the direction of the streets, who stands close to the Palais Royal and cannot find it, and asks his way to the Louvre of a passer-by, who tells him, “Here you are.”  Lucien saw a great gulf fixed between him and this new world, and asked himself how he might cross over, for he meant to be one of these delicate, slim youths of Paris, these young patricians who bowed before women divinely dressed and divinely fair.  For one kiss from one of these, Lucien was ready to be cut in pieces like Count Philip of Konigsmark.  Louise’s face rose up somewhere in the shadowy background of memory—­compared with these queens, she looked like an old woman.  He saw women whose names will appear in the history of the nineteenth century, women no less famous than the queens of past times for their wit, their beauty, or their lovers; one who passed was the heroine Mlle. des Touches, so well known as Camille Maupin, the great woman of letters, great by her intellect, great no less by her beauty.  He overheard the name pronounced by those who went by.

“Ah!” he thought to himself, “she is Poetry.”

What was Mme. de Bargeton in comparison with this angel in all the glory of youth, and hope, and promise of the future, with that sweet smile of hers, and the great dark eyes with all heaven in them, and the glowing light of the sun?  She was laughing and chatting with Mme. Firmiani, one of the most charming women in Paris.  A voice indeed cried, “Intellect is the lever by which to move the world,” but another voice cried no less loudly that money was the fulcrum.

Project Gutenberg
A Distinguished Provincial at Paris from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.