A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

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Mineral.  Emerald nickel

Formula. [.Ni]^{3}[..C] + 6[.H].


  (1) in glass-bulb.  Gives off much water and turns black.

  (2) in open tube. —­

  (3) on charcoal. —­

  (4) in forceps. —­

  (5) in borax.  Dissolves with much effervescence and gives the
                         nickel reaction.

  (6) in mic. salt.  As in borax.

  (7) with carb. soda.  Forms a slaggy mass.

  (8) Special reactions.  In warm dilute HCl dissolves with much

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Mineral.  Cobalt Bloom

Formula.                 [.Co]^{3}[.....As] + 8[.H].


  (1) in glass-bulb.  Gives off water.

  (2) in open tube. —­

  (3) on charcoal.  Evolves arsenical fumes and in the reducing
                         flame fuses to a dark grey bead of arsenide of

  (4) in forceps.  In the point of the blue flame fuses and colors
                         the outer flame blue (As).

  (5) in borax.  Gives the cobalt reaction.

  (6) in mic. salt.  As in borax.

  (7) with carb. soda. —­

  (8) Special reactions.  Gives off arsenic with cyanide of potassium in
                         glass tube.

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Mineral.  Earthy cobalt

Formula. [.Mn],[.Co],[.Cu],[.Fe],[.H], etc.


  (1) in glass-bulb.  Gives off water.

  (2) in open tube. —­

  (3) on charcoal.  Emits a slight smell of arsenic, but does not

  (4) in forceps.  Colors the flame blue.

  (5) in borax.  In oxidizing flame gives the cobalt reaction
                         which obscures those of [.Mn], [.Cu], etc.  In
                         reducing flame occasionally gives the [.Cu]

  (6) in mic. salt.  As in borax.  If a saturated bead be treated on
                         charcoal with tin in the reducing flame for a
                         few seconds, the [.Cu] reaction is sometimes

(7) with carb. soda.  Forms an infusible mass.

(8) Special reactions.  With carbonate of soda and nitre on platinum
foil, gives a strong manganese reaction.

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Mineral.  Zincblende

Project Gutenberg
A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.