A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

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Mineral.  Nickel glance

Formula.  NiS^{2} + NiAs.


  (1) in glass-bulb.  Decrepitates and gives an orange colored
                         sublimate of AsS^{2}.

  (2) in open tube.  As the preceding.

  (3) on charcoal.  As the preceding.

  (4) in forceps. —­

  (5) in borax.  As copper nickel.

  (6) in mic. salt.  Gives the nickel reaction occasionally somewhat
                         obscured by cobalt.

  (7) with carb. soda.  As the preceding.

  (8) Special reactions.  As copper nickel.

* * * * *

Mineral.  Ulmannite

Formula.  NiS^{2} + Ni(AsSb)^{2}.


  (1) in glass-bulb.  Gives a slight white sublimate of SbO^{3} and
                         more or less AsS^{3}.

  (2) in open tube.  Gives off thick fumes of SbO^{3} and SbO^{5}
                         with AsO^{3} and SO^{2}.

  (3) on charcoal.  As glance cobalt, but accompanied by dense fumes
                         of SbO^{3}.

  (4) in forceps. —­

  (5) in borax.  As copper nickel.

  (6) in mic. salt.  As the preceding.

  (7) with carb. soda.  As the preceding.

  (8) Special reactions.  As copper nickel generally, but arsenic is not
                         always present.

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Mineral.  Cobalt pyrites

Formula. ([,Co][,Ni][,Fe]) ([,,,Co=][,,,Ni=][,,,Fe=]).


  (1) in glass-bulb.  When strongly heated gives off sulphur and
                         becomes brown.

  (2) in open tube.  Gives off much SO^{2} and a small quantity of

  (3) on charcoal.  In the reducing flame small fragments fuse with
                         the evolution of sulphur to a magnetic bead
                         having a bronze colored fracture.

  (4) in forceps. —­

  (5) in borax.  In the oxidizing flame on charcoal gives a
                         violet colored glass.  In the reducing flame the
                         nickel is reduced and may collected in a gold
                         bead.  When the nickel is removed, the glass
                         exhibits a slight iron reaction while warm.

  (6) in mic. salt.  As in borax, but the reduction of the nickel is
                         more difficult than in the latter flux.

  (7) with carb. soda.  As glance cobalt.

  (8) Special reactions.  As copper nickel, but the amount of arsenic is
                         usually very small.

Project Gutenberg
A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.