A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.

A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 293 pages of information about A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe.


  in glass-bulb.  Fuses and gives off water having an acid
                         reaction, naphtha and a tarry fluid, which
                         chiefly condense in the neck of the bulb, and
                         leave a light, pulverulent carbonaceous residue.

  on platinum foil.  Fuses, takes fire, and burns with a smoky flame,
                         leaving a carbonaceous residue, which under the
                         blowpipe flame, is quickly consumed, with the
                         exception of the ashes.

* * * * *

Mineral.  Hachettine

Formula.  C + H.


  in glass-bulb.  Fuses to a clear colorless liquid, which
                         solidifies on cooling and has a tallow-like

  on platinum foil.  Fuses, takes fire, and burns with a bright flame
                         until entirely consumed.

* * * * *

Mineral.  Ozokerite

Formula.  C + H.


  in glass-bulb.  Fuses readily to a clear brown oily fluid, which
                         solidifies on cooling.

  on platinum foil.  As the preceding.

* * * * *

Mineral.  Amber

Formula.  C + H + O.


  in glass-bulb.  Fuses with difficulty, and affords water, an
                         empyreumatic oil, and succinic acid which
                         condense in the neck of the bulb leaving a
                         shining black residue.

  on platinum foil.  Takes fire and burns with a yellow flame and a
                         peculiar aromatic odor.

* * * * *

Mineral.  Mellite

Formula. [...Al][=M]^{3} + 15[.H]


in glass-bulb.  Gives off water.  If heated to redness, is
carbonized, and gives a slight empyreumatic odor.

on platinum foil.  On charcoal burns to a white ash, which moistened
with nitrate of cobalt and heated shows the
alumina reaction.

* * * * *


* * * * *

Mineral.  Nitre

Formula.                 [.K][.....N]


(1) in glass-bulb.  Fuses readily to a clear liquid and with a
strong heat boils with the evolution of oxygen.

  (2) in open tube. —­

  (3) on charcoal.  Deflagrates leaving a saline mass, which is
                         absorbed into charcoal and gives a sulphur
                         reaction on silver.

Project Gutenberg
A System of Instruction in the Practical Use of the Blowpipe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.