Paradise Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Paradise Garden.

Paradise Garden eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 375 pages of information about Paradise Garden.

During the minute of time Monroe and Spatola rubbed Jerry vigorously and when the gong clanged, though still breathing hard, Jerry was ready for Clancy’s rush.  He had been prepared for this by Flynn, who knew the fighter’s methods.  For before the seconds were well out of the ring Clancy had crossed toward Jerry’s corner, planning by sheer bulk and viciousness to sap some of Jerry’s strength.  But Jerry avoided the rush, stinging Clancy’s stomach with a terrific blow as he got out of danger.  With the whole of the ring back of him he stood up and shifting suddenly got inside of Clancy’s guard with his right on the jaw, which, catching the Sailor off his balance, sent him to the ropes, where he sank to the floor.  He took a count of six leisurely and was up again smiling and fighting hard.  Jerry’s lip was cut in this exchange, but at least during this round Clancy rushed no more.  They were both landing freely now, Jerry apparently willing to take his share of punishment in order to make a good showing.  I heard Jack Ballard muttering at my ear.  This was a mistake; I wondered if Flynn knew it.  With his skill, Jerry could have kept away and cut the man to ribbons.  But he was no slacker; this was no boxing tournament, as Jerry afterwards explained, but a fight, which meant pugnacity as well as skill.

But the crowd appreciated his efforts.  They were ring followers and knew “science” when they saw it, but more than skill they loved “sand” and more than “sand,” aggressiveness.  With the beginning of the seventh round the honors had all been with Jerry.  He had scored the first blood and the first knock-down and Clancy’s rushes had proved unavailing.  The professional’s lip was swollen, one eye was nearly closed, and his ribs were crimson from the terrible beating Jerry had given them.  Though his face was not so badly punished as Clancy’s, Jerry had not gotten off unscathed.  He was grim, determined, and cuts at the lip and eyes made him no handsomer than he should have been.  But he was breathing more easily than Clancy, and, though he had lost much of his speed, he still seemed able to avoid his opponent at will and to hold him off with his straight left arm.  Six rounds in which science had been more than a match for all Clancy’s bull strength and ring experience!  That in itself was something of an achievement, but Jerry was still further to show his strength, for in this seventh round Clancy went to the floor twice, the first time by a clean blow to the jaw through a beautiful opening that Jerry planned deliberately, feinting for the body, bringing a lead which Jerry half-ducked and then side stepped, throwing all the weight of his body into a blow with his right, timed and aimed with beautiful precision.

Project Gutenberg
Paradise Garden from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.