The Marriage Contract eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Marriage Contract.

The Marriage Contract eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 181 pages of information about The Marriage Contract.

“Every one gives you Mademoiselle Evangelista.  If you marry her you will do well.  You could not find, even in Paris, a more delightful girl.  She is beautiful, graceful, elegant, and takes after the Casa-Reales through her mother.  You will make a charming couple; you have the same tastes, the same desires in life, and you will certainly have the most agreeable house in Bordeaux.  Your wife need only bring her night-cap; all is ready for her.  You are fortunate indeed in such a mother-in-law.  A woman of intelligence, and very adroit, she will be a great help to you in public life, to which you ought to aspire.  Besides, she has sacrificed everything to her daughter, whom she adores, and Natalie will, no doubt, prove a good wife, for she loves her mother.  You must soon bring the matter to a conclusion.”

“That is all very well,” replied Paul, who, in spite of his love, was desirous of keeping his freedom of action, “but I must be sure that the conclusion shall be a happy one.”

He now went frequently to Madame Evangelista’s, partly to occupy his vacant hours, which were harder for him to employ than for most men.  There alone he breathed the atmosphere of grandeur and luxury to which he was accustomed.

At forty years of age, Madame Evangelista was beautiful, with the beauty of those glorious summer sunsets which crown a cloudless day.  Her spotless reputation had given an endless topic of conversation to the Bordeaux cliques; the curiosity of the women was all the more lively because the widow gave signs of the temperament which makes a Spanish woman and a Creole particularly noted.  She had black eyes and hair, the feet and form of a Spanish woman,—­that swaying form the movements of which have a name in Spain.  Her face, still beautiful, was particularly seductive for its Creole complexion, the vividness of which can be described only by comparing it to muslin overlying crimson, so equally is the whiteness suffused with color.  Her figure, which was full and rounded, attracted the eye by a grace which united nonchalance with vivacity, strength with ease.  She attracted and she imposed, she seduced, but promised nothing.  She was tall, which gave her at times the air and carriage of a queen.  Men were taken by her conversation like birds in a snare; for she had by nature that genius which necessity bestows on schemes; she advanced from concession to concession, strengthening herself with what she gained to ask for more, knowing well how to retreat with rapid steps when concessions were demanded in return.  Though ignorant of facts, she had known the courts of Spain and Naples, the celebrated men of the two Americas, many illustrious families of England and the continent, all of which gave her so extensive an education superficially that it seemed immense.  She received her society with the grace and dignity which are never learned, but which come to certain naturally fine spirits like a second nature; assimilating choice things wherever they are met.  If her reputation for virtue was unexplained, it gave at any rate much authority to her actions, her conversation, and her character.

Project Gutenberg
The Marriage Contract from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.