The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 17 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 17 of 55.

The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 17 of 55 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 290 pages of information about The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 17 of 55.

Miguel Lopez de Legazpi—­Native of Zubarraja (Zumarraga), Guipuzcoa, born in early part of sixteenth century; goes to Mexico in 1545, where he becomes clerk of the cabildo; appointed in 1561 to lead expedition to discover western islands; lands at Cebu April 27, 1565; begins fort and takes possession of Cebu and neighboring islands for Spain, May 8, 1565; takes possession of Manila, May 19, 1571; erects city of Manila, June 3, 1571, and appoints regidors, etc., June 24, 1571; death, August 20, 1572; term as governor February 13 (date of first anchorage near Cebu)-August 20, 1572; also adelantado or governor of the Ladrones.

Guido de Labezares—­Biscayan; accompanies Villalobos expedition of 1542; appointed royal treasurer of Legazpi’s expedition, 1564; appointed by Mexico Audiencia by sealed instructions to succeed Legazpi in case of the latter’s death; succeeds to governorship, August 20 (?), 1572; orders Salcedo to subdue Ilocos and found town of Fernandina (now Bigan), and orders subjection of Camarines, 1573; defends Manila against pirate Limahon, 1574; apportions encomiendas; term as governor (ad interim), August 20 (?), 1572-August 25, 1575; given appointment for life as master-of-camp, by Felipe II, and encomiendas of which he has been deprived by Sande, restored to him.

Doctor Francisco de Sande—­Native of Caceres; serves as attorney, criminal judge, and auditor in Mexico; succeeds Labezares, August 25, 1575; founds city of Nueva Caceres; arrival of first Franciscans, 1577; expedition to Borneo, 1578; term as governor, August 25, 1575-April, 1580; becomes auditor in Mexico Audiencia.

Gonzalo Ronquillo de Penalosa—­Native of Arevalo; alguazil-mayor in Mexico; contracts with king to colonize islands, for which to receive governorship for life; arrives at Manila, April, 1580; arrival of bishop and first Jesuits, 1581; founds Arevalo, 1581 or 1582; founds Nueva Caceres, 1582; expedition to Maluco, 1582; imposes import and export duties, 1582; conflict between the bishop and Augustinians, 1582; sends Gabriel Rivera to Spain; death, March 10, 1583; term as governor, April, 1580-March 10, 1583.

Diego Ronquillo—­Nephew of preceding; appointed governor ad interim by royal decree, succeeding to government, March 10, 1583; first great Manila fire, March 19, 1583; term as governor March 10, 1583-May, 1584.

Doctor Santiago de Vera—­Native of Alcala de Henares; alcalde of Mexico; arrives at Manila, May 16, 1584; establishes first Audiencia of Manila, 1584; sends Diego Ronquillo prisoner to Spain, 1585; sends expedition to Maluco, 1585; Father Sanchez leaves for Spain, June 28, 1586; arrival of Dominicans for their first mission, 1587; constructs first stone fort, 1587; Candish captures “Santa Ana,” November 4, 1587; insurrection in the Bisayas, 1588; term as governor, May 16, 1584-May, 1590; appointed auditor in Mexico Audiencia.

Project Gutenberg
The Philippine Islands, 1493-1898 — Volume 17 of 55 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.