Songs from Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Songs from Books.

Songs from Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Songs from Books.
There are three degrees of bliss, 156 There is pleasure in the wet, wet clay, 81 There is sorrow enough in the natural way, 168 There runs a road by Merrow Down, 176 There’s a convict more in the Central Jail, 137 There’s no wind along these seas, 290 There was a strife ’twixt man and maid, 81 There was never a Queen like Balkis, 191 There were three friends that buried the fourth, 85 These are the Four that are never content, that have
   never been filled since the Dews began, 248
These were my companions going forth by night, 69 The Stranger within my gate, 100 The stream is shrunk—­the pool is dry, 246 The torn boughs trailing o’er the tusks aslant, 133 The Weald is good, the Downs are best, 9 The wind took off with the sunset, 254 The wolf-cub at even lay hid in the corn, 84 The World hath set its heavy yoke, 32 They burnt a corpse upon the sand, 33 They killed a child to please the Gods, 132 They shut the road through the woods, 6 This I saw when the rites were done, 79 This is the mouth-filling song of the race that was run
    by a Boomer, 186
Three things make earth unquiet, 124 Thrones, Powers, Dominions, Peoples, Kings, 94 To-night, God knows what thing shall tide, 34 To the Heavens above us, 164

Unto whose use the pregnant suns are poised, 136

Valour and Innocence, 196
Veil them, cover them, wall them round, 247

We be the Gods of the East, 82
We lent to Alexander the strength of Hercules, 145
We meet in an evil land, 78
What is a woman that you forsake her, 60
What is the moral?  Who rides may read, 64
What of the hunting, hunter bold?, 247
‘What’s that that hirples at my side?’, 283
When a lover hies abroad, 81
When first by Eden Tree, 140
When I left home for Lalage’s sake, 102
When the cabin port-holes are dark and green, 182
When the drums begin to beat, 288
When the Earth was sick and the Skies were grey, 30
When the Great Ark, in Vigo Bay, 109
When the robust and Brass-bound Man commissioned first

Project Gutenberg
Songs from Books from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.