Songs from Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Songs from Books.

Songs from Books eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Songs from Books.

Of all the trees that grow so fair, 21
Oh! hush thee, my baby, the night is behind us, 250
Oh, light was the world that he weighed in his hands!, 39
Oh, little did the Wolf-Child care, 243
Old Horn to All Atlantic said, 285

‘Old Mother Laidinwool had nigh twelve months been dead’, 179
Once a ripple came to land, 226
Once we feared The Beast—­when he followed us we ran, 296
One man in a thousand, Solomon says, 62
One moment past our bodies cast, 223
Our Fathers in a wondrous age, 130
Our gloves are stiff with the frozen blood, 292
Our Lord Who did the Ox command, 41
Our sister sayeth such and such, 232
Over the edge of the purple down, 198

Pit where the buffalo cooled his hide, 35
Prophets have honour all over the Earth, 111
Pussy can sit by the fire and sing, 190

Queen Bess was Harry’s daughter.  Stand forward partners
    all!, 193

Ride with an idle whip, ride with an unused heel, 33
Rome never looks where she treads, 98
Roses red and roses white, 225

See you the ferny ride that steals, 3
She dropped the bar, she shot the bolt, she fed the fire
    anew, 238
Shiv, who poured the harvest and made the winds to blow, 48
Shove off from the wharf-edge!  Steady!, 219
Singer and tailor am I, 299
So we settled it all when the storm was done, 83
‘Stopped in the straight when the race was his own!’, 31
Strangers drawn from the ends of the earth, jewelled and
    plumed were we, 12

Take of English earth as much, 26 Tell it to the locked-up trees, 24 The beasts are very wise, 143 The Camel’s hump is an ugly lump, 182 The Celt in all his variants from Builth to Ballyhoo, 73 The doors were wide, the story saith, 135 The gull shall whistle in his wake, the blind wave break
   in fire, 114
The lark will make her hymn to God, 84 The Law whereby my lady moves, 230 The night we felt the earth would move, 253 The People of the Eastern Ice, they are melting like the
   snow, 252

Project Gutenberg
Songs from Books from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.