Chap.—A “bloke” or “cove.”
Chuck off—To chaff; to employ sarcasm.
Chuck up.—To relinquish.
Chump.—A foolish fellow.
Cobber—A boon companion.
Coot.—A person of no account (used contemptuously).
Cove—A “chap” or “bloke.”
q.v. (Gipsy).
Cow.—A thoroughly unworthy, not to say
despicable person,
place, thing or circumstance.
Crack—To smite.
Crack hardy.—To suppress emotion; to endure
keep a secret.
Crook.—Unwell; dishonest; spurious; fraudulent.
dead crook.
Crook.—A dishonest or evil person.
Crool.—To frustrate; to interfere with.
Dead.—In a superlative degree; very.
Deal.—A “hand” at cards.
Digger.—An infantryman; a comrade.
Dilly.—Foolish; half-witted.
Dinkum.—Honest; true.
Dipped.—Mentally deficient.
Dizzy limit—The utmost; the superlative
Dope.—A drug.
Dud.—No good; ineffective; used up.
Fag.—A cigarette.
Final, to run one’s.—To die.
Final kick.—Final leave.
Fly.—A turn; a try.
Game.—Occupation; scheme; design.
Grandstand play.—Playing to the gallery.
Grouch.—To mope; to grumble.
Hokey Fly, by the.—A mild expletive,
any particular meaning.
Hump, to—To carry, as a swag or other burden.
Job.—Work, occupation.
John ’Op (or Jonop)—Policeman.
Jolt.—A blow.
Keep one down.—Take a drink.
Kick about.—To loaf or hang about.
Kid—A child.
Kid, to.—To deceive; to persuade with flattery.
Lob, to—To arrive.
Lurk—A plan of action; a regular occupation.
Moniker.—A name; a title; a signature.
Mug.—A simpleton.
Nark.—s., a spoil—sport; a churlish
Nark, to.—To annoy; to foil.
Neck and neck.—Side by side.
Nod, on the.—Without payment.
Pal.—A friend; a mate (Gipsy).
Part.—Give; hand over.
Pull, to take a.—To desist; to discontinue.
Pull off.—Desist.
Pull my (or your) leg.—To deceive or get
the best of.
Punter.—The natural prey of bookmakers
(betting men).
Push up daisies, to.—To be interred.
Quid.—A sovereign, or pound sterling.
Rag.—Song in rag time.
Rattled—Excited; confused.
Renege.—To fail to follow suit (in playing
cards); to quit.
Rile—To annoy.
Riled—Roused to anger.
Rook, to.—To “take down.”
Rouse (or Roust).—To upbraid with many
Ructions.—Growling; argument.
Run ’is final.—Died.