Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

  John the Baptist, 106

  Justin Martyr concerning the eating of Blood, 101


  Knife for cutting Sallets, 68

  Kitchen Garden, 119, vide Potagere.


  Lapathum, 24

  Laserpitium, 51

  Latet anguis in herba, 115

  Laws, 116

  Laxatives, 7

  Leeks, 20

  Legumena, 73

  Lettuce, 20

  Limon, 23

  Liver, 13

  Longaevity, 81

  Lotophagi, 106

  Lungs, 20

  Lupulus, 19

  Luxury, 81

  Lysimachia Seliquosa glabra, 49

  Lyster, Dr., 56


  Macarons, 49

  Majoran, 19

  Mallows, 23

  Malvae folium sanctissimum, ib.

  Man before the Fall knew the Vertues of Plants, 83;
    Unbecoming his Dignity to butcher the innocent Animal for Food, 94;
    Not by nature carnivorous, 111;
    Not lapsed so soon as generally thought, 95

  Marygold, 19

  Masculine Vigour, 52

  Materia medica, 65

  Materials for Sallets, vide Furniture.

  Maximinus an egregious Glutton, Sallet-hater, 121

  Meats commend not to God, 99

  Medals of Battus with Silphium on the reverse, 51

  Melissa, 7

  Melon, how cultivated by the Ancients, 24

  Memory to assist, 7

  Mints, 25

  Mithacus, a Culinary Philosopher, 77

  Mixture, 57

  Moist, 9

  Monks and Friers perstring’d for their idle unprofitable Life, 107
    & seqq.

  Morocco Ambassador, 43; Lover of Sow-thistles.

  Mortuorum cibi Mushroms, 20

  Mosaical Customs, 94;
    Moses gave only a summary account of the Creation, sufficient for
      instruction, not Curiosity
, 102

  Mushroms, 26;
    Pernicious Accidents of eating them, 26;
    How produced artificially, 29

  Mustard, 30

  Myrrh, 12

  Myrtil-Berries, 35


  Napus, 46

  Nasturtium, 13;
    Indicum, 41

  Nature invites all to Sallets, 111

  Nepenthes, 9

  Nerves, 54

  Nettle, 30

  Nigard, 61

  Nourishing, 5


  Obstructions, 16

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.