Dauci, 11
Decay in Nature, none, 106
Decoction, 19
Deobstructions, 5
Deorum filii, 26
Distinction of Meats abrogated, 94
Detersives, 8
Dishes for Sallets, 69
Dissimilar Parts of Animals require Variety of Food, 89
Diuretics, 19
Dock, 15
Dogs Mercury, 54
Domitian Emp., 74
Draco herba, 45
Dressing of Sallets, vide Sallet.
Dry Plants, 17
Dung, 85;
Sallets rais’d on
it undigested, 86
Earth, whether much altered since the
Flood, 81;
about great Cities, produces
rank and unwholsome Sallets, 85
Earth-Nuts, 15
Eggs, 68
Elder, 16
Emollients, 15
Endive, 16
Epicurism, 99
Eremit’s, vide Monks.
Eruca, 39
Eructation, 38
Eruditae gulae, 77
Escalons, 31
Eternity, vide Patriarchs.
Eupeptics, 58
Euphrosyne, 9
Excess, 72
Exhilarate, 7
Exotic Drinks and Sauces dangerous, 90
Experience, 83
Eyes, 7, vide Sight.
Fabrorum prandia, 8
Fainting, 47
Families enobl’d by names of Sallet Plants, 20
Farcings, 35
Fascicule, 70
Fevers, 20
Felicity of the Hortulan Life, 122
Fennel, 17
Flatulents, 33
Flesh, none eaten during 2000 years.
Flesh eaters not so ingenious as
Sallet eaters: unapt
for Study and Bussiness; shortens Life; how all
Flesh is Grass, 94
Flowers, 17
Foliatorum ordo, 105
Fowl relish of their Food, 86
Food. No Necessity of different
Food, 90;
The simplest best,
Man’s original Food,
Fools unfit to gather Sallets contrary to the Italian Proverb, 61
Friers, vide Monks.
Frigidae Mensae, 82
Frugality of the ancient Romans, _&c._, 21
Fruit, 75;
not reckon’d among
Sallets, 76;
not degenerated since the
Flood, where industry is us’d, 104
Fugaces fructus, 74
Fungus, 26, vide Mushroms.
Fungus reticularis, 27