Other rare and exquisite Liquors and Teas (Products of our Gardens only) we might super-add, which we leave to our Lady Housewives, whose Province indeed all this while it is.
* * * * *
The Table
Abstemious Persons who eat no Flesh, nor were under Vows, 104
Abstersives, 42
ACETARIA, Criticisms on the Word, how they differ from Olera, &c., 1
Achilles, 77
Acids, 63
Adam and Eve lived on Vegetables and Plants, 94
Africans eat Capsicum Indicum, 34
Aged Persons, 44;
Sallet-Eaters, 80
Agues, 81
Air, 80
Alliaria, 19
Ale, 15
Alleluja, 47
Alexanders, 5
Allium, 18
Altar dedicated to Lettuce, 21
Anagallis, 9
Annaeus Serenus poisoned by Mushroms, 27
Anatomy, Comparative, 90
Antecoenia, 74
Antediluvians eat no Flesh for 2000 years, 80
Aparine, 12
Aperitives, 10
Appetite, 21;
How to subdue, 98
Apician Luxury, 103
Apium, 35;
Italicum, 41
Aromatics, 13
Artichoaks, 5
Arum Theophrasti, 48
Ascalonia, 41
Ascetics, 106
Asparagus, 43;
preferable to the Dutch,
how to cover in Winter
without Dung, 87
Asphodel, 23
Astringents, 9
Asthmatical, 31
Assa foetida, 52
Atriplex, 32
Augustus, 21
Autumn, 71
Barlaeus’s Description Poetic of a Sallet Collation, 113
Basil, 7
Baulm, 7
Beere, 15
Beet, 7, 79
Benzoin, 51
Bile, 36
Blite, 8
Blood to purifie, 8;
Eating it prohibited,
Boletus, 26
Books of Botany, 54;
to be read with caution
where they write of Edule Plants, ib.
Borrage, 8
Bowels, 58
Brain, 7, 38
Bramins, 97
Brandy and Exotic Liquors pernicious, 93
Bread and Sallet sufficient for Life,
Made of Turnips, 46
Breast, 19
Broccoli, 10
Brook lime, 9
Broth, 19
Brute Animals much healthier than Men, why, 91