Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Other rare and exquisite Liquors and Teas (Products of our Gardens only) we might super-add, which we leave to our Lady Housewives, whose Province indeed all this while it is.


* * * * *

The Table

  Abstemious Persons who eat no Flesh, nor were under Vows, 104

  Abstersives, 42

  ACETARIA, Criticisms on the Word, how they differ from Olera, &c., 1

  Achilles, 77

  Acids, 63

  Adam and Eve lived on Vegetables and Plants, 94

  Africans eat Capsicum Indicum, 34

  Aged Persons, 44;
    Sallet-Eaters, 80

  Agues, 81

  Air, 80

  Alliaria, 19

  Ale, 15

  Alleluja, 47

  Alexanders, 5

  Allium, 18

  Altar dedicated to Lettuce, 21

  Anagallis, 9

  Annaeus Serenus poisoned by Mushroms, 27

  Anatomy, Comparative, 90

  Antecoenia, 74

  Antediluvians eat no Flesh for 2000 years, 80

  Aparine, 12

  Aperitives, 10

  Appetite, 21;
    How to subdue, 98

  Apician Luxury, 103

  Apium, 35;
    Italicum, 41

  Aromatics, 13

  Artichoaks, 5

  Arum Theophrasti, 48

  Ascalonia, 41

  Ascetics, 106

  Asparagus, 43;
    preferable to the Dutch, 43;
    how to cover in Winter without Dung, 87

  Asphodel, 23

  Astringents, 9

  Asthmatical, 31

  Assa foetida, 52

  Atriplex, 32

  Augustus, 21

  Autumn, 71


  Barlaeus’s Description Poetic of a Sallet Collation, 113

  Basil, 7

  Baulm, 7

  Beere, 15

  Beet, 7, 79

  Benzoin, 51

  Bile, 36

  Blite, 8

  Blood to purifie, 8;
    Eating it prohibited, 100

  Boletus, 26

  Books of Botany, 54;
    to be read with caution where they write of Edule Plants, ib.

  Borrage, 8

  Bowels, 58

  Brain, 7, 38

  Bramins, 97

  Brandy and Exotic Liquors pernicious, 93

  Bread and Sallet sufficient for Life, 2;
    Made of Turnips, 46

  Breast, 19

  Broccoli, 10

  Brook lime, 9

  Broth, 19

  Brute Animals much healthier than Men, why, 91

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.