Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 132 pages of information about Acetaria.

The Sallet-Gatherer likewise should be provided with a light, and neatly made Withy-Dutch-Basket, divided into several Partitions.

Thus instructed and knowing in the Apparatus; the Species, Proportions, and manner of Dressing, according to the several Seasons you have in the following Table.

It being one of the Inquiries of the Noble [59]Mr. Boyle, what Herbs were proper and fit to make Sallets with, and how best to order them? we have here (by the Assistance of Mr. London, His Majesty’s Principal Gard’ner) reduc’d them to a competent Number, not exceeding Thirty Five; but which may be vary’d and inlarg’d, by taking in, or leaving out, any other Sallet-Plant, mention’d in the foregoing List, under these three or four Heads.

But all these sorts are not to be had at the very same time, and therefore we have divided them into the Quarterly Seasons, each containing and lasting Three Months.

Note, That by Parts is to be understood a Pugil; which is no more than one does usually take up between the Thumb and the two next Fingers.  By Fascicule a reasonable full Grip, or Handful.

* * * * *

[Transcriber’s Note:  The following tables have been modified from their original layout.  The left-most columns are converted to “section headers”, the column headers have been reproduced above each of these new sections, and a horizontal rule added above them to better visually indicate the restructuring.  The original structure is very wide.]

Species.  Ordering and Culture.
/ 1. Endive, Tied-up to Blanch.
| 2. Cichory, \
| 3. Sellery, | Earth’d-up
IX. | 4. Sweet-Fennel, |
Blanch’d | 5. Rampions, /
| 6. Roman \ \ Tied-up to Blanch.
| 7. Cosse | Lettuce, |
| 8. Silesian | | Tied close up.
\ 9. Cabbage / / Pome and Blanch of themselves.

/ 10. Lob-Lettuce,          \
| 11. Corn-Sallet,          | Leaves, all of a midling size.
| 12. Purslane,             /
XXVI.      | 13. Cresses broad,        \ Seed-Leaves,
| 14. Spinach, curled,      / and the next to them.
Green      | 15. Sorrel, French,       \ The fine young Leaves only,
Unblanch’d | 16. Sorrel, Greenland,    /   with the first Shoots.
| 17. Radish,                 Only the tender young Leaves.
| 18. Cresses,                The Seed-Leaves, and those
|                                 only next them.
| 19. Turnip,               \

Project Gutenberg
Acetaria: A Discourse of Sallets from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.